This Offer Has Ended: SPS PROMO CARD (Help For Minnows)

Howdy Splintermaniacs; I hope the day/night/week/month/year is treating you well. I'm sure most of you heard by now about the SPS Promo Card that will soon be on offer from the Splinterlands company. In short; the Splinterlands team is offering a special Promo Card to those who are staking the SPS token. This promo nft will not cost any of your hard earned HIVE, DEC, SPS (No Sir Bob). However it will require you to have 1,000 SPS Staked for every (1) one promo card you wish to purchase. On top of having 1,000 SPS staked (X Number Of Promo Cards Wanted) you will need to supply one Voucher (X Number Of Promo Cards Wanted). Currently Vouchers are selling for roughly 0.30 HIVE (The HIVE Token is currently worth $0.42*). To trade HIVE for Vouchers click on any of the following links which will lead you to HIVE DEX's:

Recent Voucher Trade History


The Promo Card

  • Sale Start Date
    Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

  • Sale End Date
    Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Splinterlands Team Quote:

Vruz is a Common rarity Dragon element Monster card (only the 5th Common rarity Dragon element card in the game), who packs quite a punch for only 2 mana. He is incredibly quick and can Sneak around to attack the last character on the opposing team before they even know what hit them! Even though he is pretty squishy, he can be tough to hit, and when he dies he bestows his spoils upon those around him, increasing their stats with the Martyr ability. Finally, at max level he also gets True Strike, so no enemies will be able to evade his attacks, even in Reverse Speed! Source: @splinterlands/announcing-the-staked-sps-promo-card-sale

Help For SPL/HIVE Minnows

Are you someone in the Splinterlands community or general HIVE community that wants to get their hands on one or more of these cards but don't have the staked SPS to do so? No-problem your pal @rentmoney has you covered. If you don't have enough SPS staked to get your hands on one of these promo cards I'll use my Staked SPS to help you get one. (What is the catch) No catch other than this offer is for those with limit amounts of SPS. Since this offers purpose is to put the promo card in the hands of those who otherwise might not be able to get one I also will be putting a hard-cap of 5 promos per interested party. Please read the terms and conditions below.

Terms & Conditions:

(1) You must have less than 10,000 total SPS
(2) Offer is valid once per individual
(3) Spots are limited (First Come/First Serve)
(4) You must send me 1-5 Vouchers and tell me you did so
(One Voucher For Each Promo Card wanted up to a max of five)

That's it, that's all; If you complete the above steps I will mark your Splinterlands account name down and purchase the PROMO card on your behalf. The hard-cap amount of open spots for the offer displayed in this post is limited. If for some reason I get more interested parties than I have open spots I will obviously send back the unused Vouchers to their rightful owners. Please note that you have a 0% chance in receiving a gold foil promo card using the method I'm offering. If its a chance at a gold Promo you are after your best bet is to stake the required SPS and purchase from your own personal account. I have no clue how popular this will become (if at all) so for the time being I'm going to offer a max of 20 Spots/ 100 total Promo Cards (Which-ever comes first). I will open up more spots in a future post if there is enough demand. Please pay attention to the comment section before sending any Vouchers. IMPORTANT NOTE: I will be placing a reply in the comment section that details if all spots are taken or not. Please check that comment before sending any Vouchers to @rentmoney. If you change your mind anytime before I make the purchase you can request to have your Vouchers sent back.

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