Three Free Splinterland Cards + Splinterlands Lore Showcased!


Every now and then I like to do a straight up card giveaway. Like all my giveaways entry requirements are minimal. Today we will be giving away not one, not two but three Splinterland cards. Two commons and one Rare to be exact. Which ones and how can you win? All will be revealed in this short to the point post. Good luck to all who enter!

Common Chaos Legion Water Monster:


I have not yet used the Flying Squid in battle but it looks like a beast of a card. At level one it has an eight life and a mele attack of two with a speed of three. It is also equipped with the reach ability (Allows monsters to attack from the second position).

Rare Chaos Legion Water Monster


Sticking with the Water Splinter the Rare Monster that will be included in this giveaway is Angelic Mandarin. It has a low mana cost of just three with a health of five. Its attack is one with a speed of two. This monster doesn't come with any abilities at level one but with a cost of just 3 mana its a keeper.

Giveaway Rules

  • I know, Rules Suck
  • But Sometimes We Need Them
  • Tag two others who might like to win a card
  • That's it because as already noted
  • Rules SUCK!

How A Winner Is Chosen:

The great random number generator will decide who the winner is. Everyone who enters will get one raffle ticket. The timing of your comment decides your raffle ticket number. If the great random number generator picks your comment you will be sent the Rare Splinterlands card known as Angelic Mandarin. The two Hivens you tag will each get sent the Splinterlands common card known as Flying Squid. Please don't tag your alt accounts.

Angelic Mandarin Lore Showcase:

A variety of the already beautiful mandarinfish, the Angelic Mandarinfish is said to be blessed by the magic of the sea. They swim in the most gorgeous of tropical waters, and live peaceful lives in harmony with all around them. It is said that the touch of an Angelic Mandarinfish has healing properties. And that if one sees an injured person in need, they will swim up and stare into your eyes. As if looking into your soul. If they deem you to be kind, they will heal your wounds.
The sailor sunk deep into the depths of the cold water. He closed his mouth tightly, trying to preserve any air he had left. But the violent shipwreck had knocked the wind out of him. Trails of blood from his wounds blossomed into the water around him.

His mind told him to swim. Swim up and to air. Swim up and live. But his body wouldn't cooperate. Just as he felt unconsciousness tugging at him, there was movement. The glimmer of bright colors through the dark of the water.

A single fish swam to him. It was beautiful; it glowed with an internal light. The fish looked directly into his eyes. He stared back, barely hanging on to consciousness.

And then suddenly a surge of energy went through him. His wounds closed, and his lungs were filled with air. The fish turned and swam off. And the sailor kicked up to the surface of the water. Lore taken from official Splinterlands site.

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