Your Vote Matters (Hive Witness Voting)




Your Witness Vote Matters

As noted above those who run for witness operate what is known as nodes (servers) to secure that the HIVE Blockchain is operating correctly and smoothly. Each account on HIVE has a total of 30 Witness Votes. That's right each of you can vote for 30 different witnesses. Some users utilize all their votes. Others (like me) vote sparingly (I think 30 votes is way too many but that is a discussion for another time). The top voted Witness of the HIVE chain do get paid and have the most control over the blockchain so make sure you don't hand out your vote willy nilly. Vote for those who you consider bring value to the chain. Of course the 30 votes are yours to vote however you please. If voting for willy nilly is what you want than by all means go ahead and do that.

Currently I only have 7/30 of my witness votes utilized (it isn't easy getting my vote). I recently come across two more accounts I want to add to that list of seven. The first being the account known as @psyberx. The Psyberx account is the main blog account for the upcoming shooter style game known as (You guessed it) Psyberx. The game is still in very early stages but is quickly building its core base of supporters. If successful I suspect Psyberx will bring many new faces to the Hive Blockchain. Onboarding and community engagement are high on my list of importance when voting for a witness so that is the reason Psyberx gets my vote. The second account I intend on adding to my voted for witness list is the very acitve community driven @dynamicrypto. This person likes to host giveaways and can be routinely seen curating and commenting on the post of others. I have seen first hand the work this person is putting in to be a community driven Hiven and as I noted earlier community engagement is very high on my list of things I look for when voting for a witness. It was just days ago @dynamicrypto released a post detailing his witness. That post can be found by clicking the following highlighted link: @dynamicrypto/proposal-for-your-witness-vote-and-a-kick-ass-community-plan

How To Vote

Front EndLink To Witness Page
Hive.BlogVote Here
EcencyVote Here
PeakdVote Here

Above I have listed three Hive Frontends and included a direct link to the Witness voting page. Below I will also provide a quick step by step guide on how to get to the Witness voting section. The guide below is for the Hive.Blog frontend. Most other frontends will have similar steps in which will bring you to their witness page.

(1) Go to
(2) Scroll to top of page
(3) Click the triple bar (≡)
(4) Scroll down to and click Vote For Witness

After following the above steps you will be brought to the Hive Blochchains Witness page. It is here where you can vote for your favorite Witness. Voting is easy, simply click the up arrow next to the Witness you want to vote for. If you can't find the Witness in the provided list its likely because the account you are looking for is outside the top 200 witnesses. To find such a witness you can type out the name of the account you are looking for in the designated area found at the bottom of the page.

Voted for a Witness and they are no longer active. Has your view points changed and you want to remove one or more of your Witness votes. Maintaining and Updating your Witness votes is just as important as the initial voting process. If you feel as you want to unvote someone the Hive Network allows you to do just that. Its your vote and you can do with it as you please.


Are You A Witness?

If so lets hear the reasons why the users of HIVE should vote for you. Shill away in the comment section below. Provide any information and links to your Hive Blog / Hive Apps you helped create or maintain and if those stumbling upon this topic like your reasoning you just might find yourself getting some extra votes on your witness account.

My Updated Witness Votes


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