Life lesson worth knowing

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In the options that are available for this weekend engagement as given by @galenkp in the weekend engagement introduction post talks majorly about past and future which is the theme for the week.

All the options are enticing and if care is not taken, you will be confused about what to write.

Do you want to talk about memorable day in 2021?

I am sure you will have as many memorable days as possible though it might not be positive but there are days that you can not forget so easily.

If what you want to write on is about the change that you want to make in 2022, your new year resolution will be coming as a new post.

If the option of showcasing your gratitude to an hive user is what you feel comfortable with. I am sure you will end up having a shout out to the entire hive community because everyone on hive had an impact on your life whether directly or indirectly.

Among all these options, the one that is more interesting to me is the third option.

Option three
If you wanted to give me or someone else on hive some advice from something you learned in 2021 to carry forward into 2022, what would it be and why? How do you think it would help me or whomever you chose to hand it to, how did you learn that wisdom and would you personally carry it into the new year also? Why?

Why will I want to advice you?

This is an encompassing option as it has an iota of all other options in it. Talk about the new year resolution, talk about how 2021 sucked. It is also a way of rewarding those that have affected your life in 2021 and also a means of reflecting on the most memorable day in your life.

So my main reason behind this option is that it is all encompassing.

The advice

I don't know if it is an advice or I should give it a name better than that.

Maybe I should call it a life hack.

I don't know if that is appropriate but ever since I have been using it, mother earth has been giving me the result.

The advice is

Life will never give you what you deserve but what you decide.

How did I come across this?

Flipping through the pages of a book titled, "17 secrets of high flying students", I came across a life hack that has benefitted me in all my endeavours.

To bring more clarity to the context, Napoleon Hill in his book, "Think and Grow rich" lay emphasis on the world BURNING DESIRE as the starting point of all achievement.

Further explanation

  • You deserve to have thousands of hive in your account.
  • You deserve to be riding the latest car.
  • You deserve to have a happy home.
  • You deserve to have as many cute kids as you want.

You deserve all the good things life but how many of what you deserve are coming into play.

None except for those that are back by a desire to achieve it.

You also have an equal chance of becoming a whale but if you did not have the finance, you have to fight your way through the ladder with a burning desire to become a minnow or a whale which will in turn stir up a superb writing spirit in you.

Note that you have to desire first which is a product of decision.

So the two combined together is what brings success in life.

Going against all odd was a decision fueled by a desire to achieve result.

You can call this cheating but it has helped me scaled through difficult situations.

It has helped me achieve result when the chance was low and there is little chance of success.

In this year, I will still abide by the quote and till eternity, it will be the fuel to my passion and achievement so I am bringing it to you once again but this time around, make sure you have it saved at the back of your mind and not just on paper.

Life will never give you what you deserve but what you decide.

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am

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