A Trip to the Library

My wife and I took our daughters to the local library this weekend. I didnt plan on sharing the experience, but it was my first time going into the library (usually my wife takes them while I’m at work) and I was amazed to see how much love and hard work has gone into that place. It touched my heart, seeing such a thing, so I decided to share this positive moment with you, my friends on Hive.


We honestly didnt really go anywhere wlse within the library during this trip although, when Im surrounded by so many books I cant help but feel my imagination running wild as it tries to envision all the new ideas and skills I could absorb by simply picking up some new books to read. I wanted to do exactly that, but for this trip, I was happy to see and foster the same enthusiasm in my children.

My youngest, Lucy, went basically nuts. She started a spot on a table for collecting her books, and by the time I realized ehat she was doing, she had probably already squirreled away 30 books 🤣

I pushed her to be more selective, and explained the importance of only taking out what we can reasonably expect to read - and of course the fact that the librarians have to put away any books we take out, so we should respect them and their time as well.

My older daughter, Allie, then volunteered to help Lucy by showing her how to ask herself wuestions about a book before taking it away from its place.

***Do you just like the cover? …Then that may be fun to look at, but we should leave it where it belongs…

***Is it a big kid chapter book with no pictures?

I was impressed at the comprehensive checklist she had given Lucy before she was done - although I doubt Licy remembered much of it 😆

The whike junior area was filled with arteork that was fun, uplifting, and inspirational.

…some of it was even nostalgic!

The entire room was also covered in a very detailed wall-to-wall mural. It was ocean themed, presumably because the library is only a ten minute drive from Wrightsville Beach.

Lucy dashed around the place like somehow there was a time limit! It was so fun to watch my girls enjoy the librsry from their own different perspectives.

Allie was far more reserved. My wife, MaryAnn, helped her navigste the computer system to find things based on her preferred subjects. Allie took her time making selections, and wound up with two books that were appropriate for her reading level.

Lucy was curious about the computers, but lacked the patience to find books this way. She was more interested in scavenging whatever she could find by chance 😂

Some of the book return carts were named, which had a kind of “dad-joke” vibe I very much appreciated :)

…one of the carts was even decorated to look like a friendly monster - Lucy wanted me to take her picture by it 🥹

Finally, when I could tell we were about to leave, I took an o ligatory library selfie, to commemorate the occasion.

In the parking lot, Lucy was just as crazy as she had been in the library. She’s a cute little thing, but very string-willed and crazy!

The library was super fun, and I’m looking foreard to reading some new books with my girls throught the weeks to come!


Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.

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