Best gifts I have received so far!

Good day to you all here in the inkwell community… It's the weekend again today and just a few more days till the year runs to an end.. hehe. We are all excited on one side as we are also praying to see the end of the year and celebrate the new year!

It's the Christmas season again and it must have been known that the Christmas season is all about season gifting everywhere. Many articles on the platform about gifting and Christmas celebration.

This would take me straight to the discussion of the week on the inkwell community and the topic to be discussed is “GIFT”.

One thing I know about life is that most times when we get gifted, it brings about some things in our lives. It brings about love and happiness. No one would receive a gift either promised or unexpected and wouldn’t feel happiness from within.

Another great thing about gifting is that it improves health and boosts positive emotions. It builds friendship and relationship goals among family and loved ones…

Have I ever received a gift before?

On several occasions, I have been given a lot of things and many of them must have touched my heart. Gifts at times are not all about money, or material things. There are a lot of ways to get gifted. Gifts might be promises or even advice. Some advice is rare and used to make us who we are today. All these gifts cannot be gotten in the market or supermarket.

I would list out some gifts I get to appreciate so much in my life and I am always yet to forget about them.

The most important gift I get to appreciate and never toy with and it’s a gift I never think I can get to pay back what I was given. It’s a gift I must appreciate with all I have, a rare gift that can never be gotten elsewhere in the world.

What’s that gift?


This is the number one gift I have ever received as a human. Everything that must have existed in this world of ours must have been gifted with this great and indispensable gift. We might realize it is a great one, and some don’t see it as a gift but as a necessity.

Take a look at our life as we wake each day and we look at those around us, we would know that we are indeed gifted. Many must have slept just like we did but they never got the gift of life again in their existence. It must have been too late for them to realize they got gifted. The earlier the better.

Many were also given life but they never got to make use of the gift with happiness. Many woke back to life but they found themselves where they never wanted to be. Many got their gift in the hospital and many got theirs in the prisons.

This amazing gift of life is one thing I would always appreciate first. Life might throw a lot at me. People might give me a lot of precious things and make precious memories with me but the most important of it all is getting to kick alive and healthy.

Another precious gift I got to appreciate so much are


I so much appreciate my parents for who they are and how firmly they must have stood together to nurture and care for me right from my days as an infant down to growing to become a child, after scaling through childhood days I still got their monitoring and mentorship till I became an adult. Even when I was an adult I wasn’t left alone but they still stood by my side.

Their words of encouragement and their prayers for me are some kind of gift I never thought I could get elsewhere. Seeing them alive every day and staying healthy is surely another gift I can’t get elsewhere.

The last part of my discussion about gifting was the material gift I got, and the gift was from a friend of mine on my birthday.


The image is mine.

I have been wearing this watch for years now. I would say this must be the third year now and it’s still working perfectly fine. I love everything about the wristwatch.

It’s surely an expensive one and a quality one. I love the color not silver and not even gold but just that cool ashes color. And the most beautiful thing I love is the Arabic numbering of the time on it. It reminds me of my love for the Arabic language. Most times people would look at it and ask me what kind of design it is, but I love it that way.

I wish I can become someone who can always give things to people subsequently and not only on special occasions. I wish to be someone who would always put a smile on people’s faces no matter the situation I find myself in.

Gifting is one important part of humanity…

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