Life is multidimensional

Many times we just have to live our lives and make sure we get the best out of them. Life is not always the way we want it to be. It comes in different dimensions. There are times when we think life isn't fair to us, meanwhile it is just offered as the best opportunity.

One thing that makes life interesting is the fact that no one can tell what the future has for us. Hope is one of the things that makes life interesting. We keep anticipating, we keep making plans, and pray for the best. But there is no assurance that life will go the same way we want it.

My story

I came from a happy home, though we are not rich and not poor. I can say an average family. My parents don't have that much to give us a luxurious life but they gave us happiness.

One thing I appreciate about my parents is that they taught us a lot of life morals, contentment, gratitude, appreciation, dedication, and many more. My dad will always tell us that “the way you manage other people’s things is the same way you get to do yours” if you do it well when it's yours you will do it better. But if you do it just anyhow, then you get to do yours worse.

We live in a rented apartment. It's been over 10 years since we lived there. Life has its way of doing things. My parents got lands they proposed building on but they later got to know that it was not private land but land owned by the federal government. The land agent just scammed them. So they never bothered about the land again.

It was about the same time when my parents got a quit notice from the landlord. It feels like a plan. We were so young then. So all I knew was that we were told to pack out of the apartment on some proposed date. It wasn't easy on us then because I am not sure there is anywhere they had in mind to go to.

I could feel the uneasiness in them. We had to sort our belongings and pack the important ones, give out the ones we feel are less important, and burn the ones that feel trashy and unusable.

We had to pack to one of my uncle’s apartments. From a three-bedroom flat down to a one-room apartment. You can imagine how much of our belongings would get away while packing. But that doesn’t matter. What mattered was living on and surviving. When there is life there is hope

After living for close to a year we finally found our way out. It wasn't easy there. Though we saw it as another phase of life and we just have to scale through.

Those who sent us away from their apartment thinking we had no hope and nowhere to go, must have thought wrong because they are not God.

My dad lost his job and my mum also had to leave her marketplace just because of this sudden scenario. It was a big hit for our family then.

Dawn new era.

When there is life there is hope. With God so good, my uncle was able to get dad a better job offer than the previous one he was into. That same year mum gave birth to my younger brother. It wasn't easy but we believed his coming into the family will bring more joy and happiness.

Before the year ran to an end, we packed out of my uncle's house to a new apartment we rented. It was a spacious two-bedroom flat with a big compound compared to our former apartment. We had this comfortable and pleasant environment.

We were able to attend another school that is better than the previous one we attended. And even got more exposure.

Only time can tell. At times we think it’s all over when we get to face some challenges of life. But at times some disappointment is always a blessing in disguise. Only if we could see through what the future has in place for us.

After three years in the rented apartment, my parents were able to own their portion of land and also get something done. They gradually started building an apartment with time we got to pack in and leave the rented apartment. It might not look as cool as we wanted but the peace of mind it brought us after the hard time experience over the past years was something to be grateful for.

When one door closes, another opens. If you decide to roll up your carpet, then someone else is ready to spread the rug.

HEADER IMAGE: By Harrison Haines on Pexels and edited canva app

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