The Album of Souls

As soon as he turned the page, they immediately heard a scream. A woman's scream, hard and thin, as if it shattered their ears!

"Be quiet, sssstupid woman. Screaming reduces your chances of survival," said the flame-eyed devil. And he was about to turn the page of the photo album where the souls were imprisoned when his client, a woman in a white dress, began to speak;

"Why is that woman screaming?" He asked. He pointed to the woman in the photo. There was a woman with her hands on her cheeks, with an expression of never ending fear. And she was moving? Like slightly. Her hands were moving to her mouth and her eyes were jumping around...

"Oh, thissss one died of fear. It is not a very valuable soul, she did not help anyone nor follow any gods, she was just living.... but if you are looking for a cheap soul you can have it ahahah" replied the devil. The gold chains at the end of his horns shook as he laughed.

"No, thanks" said the woman in the white dress.

He turned the photo album again, each page with only one soul in it, he seemed to be looking for the next page, and as if he had found something, hah! said the devil.

"That'ssss it! You need this guy," and he pointed to the moving photo.

A man in his 40s, with experience in his hair. He was dressed in thick, shiny armor, but his armor bore the scars of war. Perhaps the red marks on his armor could be the liquid she guessed. But the man was very angry and calm. He put down his thick sword and waited with his hands folded in front of him. Like planning... The customer asked;

"And who is this man?"

"He isssss a paladin. He is a holy warrior. He has killed many evil creaturessss. He fought hard for his god. He is famous for protecting his friends. Once, he even defended a ssssssmall town until dawn. He managed to defend against goblins when the locals didn't even know how to shoot an arrow. And he saved the town from these goblinssss. So his soul is worth a lot of money," Devil said.

"And how did it end up in this soul album?" the customer in the white dress added.

"I came to his aid at a very bad moment ahahahah and offered him to wrap his soul around me in exchange for the ssssalvation of his friends. He accepted ahahaha!" said the devil.

"How much gold?"


"Isn't this a bit expensive?"

"That's the price. If I had his body, it would be worth 50,000 gold coinssss!"


The customer, woman in the white dress, put her hand to her chin. She thought. The devil in front of her waited patiently. As if he knew that sooner or later she would accept his proposal. He already knew all the valuables she is carrying. And waited...

And waited...

"Then we have a deal." She said and took out the bag of gold from the bag hanging on her waist. Then she counted one by one and put 9500 thousand gold coins on the table. Then she took out a necklace worth about 500 gold coins. All her money was gone.

After taking the gold, the devil took the photo album and tore out the page with the man.
Then he handed this moving photo to the woman.

"And how do I get him off this page?" the woman in the white dress asked.

"Oh, baby! You ssssshould be more careful when dealing with the Devil. This information will cost you extra"

"I thought it would be like this." Said the woman in the white dress and picked up the photo with a huff. She went outside.

She closed the door and looked at the robot she had brought with her on her way here.

2.5 meters tall, carrying a thick sword on its back. Then the woman opened a piece on the robot's chest. She put the photograph she had in her hand there.

The man in the photo was standing now. He was slowly moving in anticipation.

I'm sorry, James. I hope this works.

The woman closed the part on the robot's chest. The eyes of this robot began to emit a yellow light.

The eyes, opened.

"James?" she said.
"Are you there? Do you even remember me?" She added...

The robot's head bobbed up and down in approval. And its eyes were fixed on the devil's door, which it craved a revenge.

Which he, craved a revenge.


This story is written for Inkwell Fiction Prompt - Photo Album, and inspired by the dungeons and dragons games.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it 🙏

Leonardo ai is used for the photo.

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