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They are slaves to money and with a bundle of it, we can bring them down to their knees as usual, Chief Loko said.
Chief! Chief! Senator Arom hailed. You are always at the top of every issue, i trust you.
Its a simple logic Senator, the formular is easy. Increase their joblessness level and sufferings and when the time for election comes, pick a few die-hards and grease their palms with some crisps notes and victory is yours. They can even kill their mothers if you have the generosity to demand that, Chief Loko said.
Certainly. Certainly. Chief Arom said, nodding his approval.
Alright, i will sign a check of 50 million lacas to you. Get the most sheepish yet ruthless able-bodied young men within the district and put them on course. Remember, we will show no mercy to any defaulter or chicken hearted coward, understand? Senator Arom said almost in a whisper.
Trust me Senator, i have never failed before and won't ever fail. Money rules in politics and i know just how to use it. So, Victory is ours already, Bragged the Chief. And like our wise men said "He who pays the piper, dictates the tune", so just stay calm and prepare your swearing in speech.
They both laughed out loud.
That is good Chief. And its about time to pay the piper.
The Senator pulled open is desk drawer, took out his check book and signed off 60 million lacas, tore out the sheet and handed it over to the Chief.
The Chief smile. I will deliver as promised my Senator. No cause for alarm.
They shook hands and the Chief left.
The city hall was filled to the brim by 10am. The youth chairman had made a radio announcement on the state's radio station. Every youth was asked to show up for the crucial and urgent meeting.
When the chairman saw that the hall was filled up, he decided it was time to begin the meeting. He asked his secretary to give the opening prayer and then he rose to commence the matter of the day.
Fellow youths, my brothers and sisters, i welcome you all to this gathering of the future leaders of this great land, Mr Pasco the youth chairman said. And i also want to thank you all for answering my call at short notice and i apologize for the delay in passing the invitation. This shows that we are all committed to discharging our duties as patriotic citizens of this great land. It also shows we are hungry for the meal of a new beginning for our land and thirsty for the ousting of ravenous wolves preying on the flesh of our blossoming youths.The chairman pressed on.
It is no longer news that we will be choosing a new senator for out district very soon and i want to beseech every youth to put the progress of our land at heart. We have been toyed with for so long he continued. The hounds masquerading as the present senator has yoked us to ploughshares and used fellows youths of ours as whips to drives us forward into hardship and poverty. Lets show them we are tired of feeding on chaffs when our fields are filled with ripe corns! Lets show them we are not donkeys and blood hounds for hire! Lets show them our future is more expensive than a wad of crisp notes of money moulded from the dust of our struggles and the sweat of our souls! The chairman shouted.
I plead with all our young men. Do not let them use you as tools of pain. Do not let them use you as tear gases to the eyes of your families and friends. The little they give you is not worth your future and the peace of our land. Let them know that your strength, willpower and future is priceless!
The youths cheered in approval and punched the air with clenched fists.
That day, the youths believed it was time for a new era. A new order.
What do you mean Chief? Senator Arom asked wide eyed. I thought you said you were in control of everything?
Am sorry my Senator. Chief Loko pleaded. I am still shocked at what happened.
You have failed me Chief. Imagine me, Senator Arom being stoned and jeered at like a common criminal. The senator choked with anger.
What did you do with the money i gave you, Senator Arom asked?
I met the boys i usually made use of but they refused. They told me they are done with doing dirty works for us and hurting their own people. The Chief said. He was shaking visibly.
I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life. The senator said with head bowed. Even women and little children where throwing sand at me and calling me unprintable names. I had to run like a common thief into my car to avoid being lynched.
Chief Loko shook his head.
I think we need to be careful, Chief. It seems the masses have awakened. Its means an end to our reign, he sighed.

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