For Him: Thank you for the memories.

One hot summer day, I was the one in charge of our little store since it was summer vacation and we didn't have classes at that time. We were selling snacks, fruits, and refreshments. Everyday, it was always like this. People come and go, and we would close the store at night time.

Despite the busyness brought by lots of customers, it was actually boring. Not until I noticed that guy that was always eating his breakfast at an Eatery in front of our store. People were calling him weird because he wasn't socializing with them; he would got back to his dormitory after he was done with his business outside. I actually admired that guy because he seemed not to care about people's opinion about him.


Image by Clay Banks from Unsplash.

As I saw him everyday, I had this desire inside of me to talk to him one day. Until one night, while I was playing in the Internet Shop, I thought my blood rushed towards my face as I saw a familiar figure approaching. Eagerly, I shifted back towards my computer and continued as if I saw no one. Putting on those headphones placed at my the side and playing a music because I felt awkward by his presence; it was just me feeling this, and him here, who didn't have any idea about what I felt.

Immersing myself to whatever I could find entertaining on my screen, just to cover up for my flustered face. Yet, a tap on my shoulders had kicked me back to my senses, which made me look to the man beside me.

"Good, now you noticed me." A pause of silence, please. I don't know what to say or how to react. Is this destiny? I couldn't remember how long I had stalled but I just smiled at him anyway, and he smiled back, which made it more awkward for me. Finally, I said, "Hi." Then, wave a little. He just chuckled and opened his computer.

"Wait, how do you know me?" I managed to ask him when I finally calmed down.

"I don't know you actually, but I see you everyday. So hardworking, I like that!" He said while glancing at my screen. We introduced ourselves and added each other on Facebook. We talked a lot that night and discovered that we both like anime. Since then, after he eats his breakfast, he would come to our store and show me some anime he got on his phone. Also, I have learned more about his life. He was a fresh graduate of Nursing and he has an Aunt in Japan that wants him to work there as soon as he passes his board exams. While me, on the other hand, was just a Senior High School student back then. He had been my motivator and my mentor on my upcoming entrance exams in college.

Unfortunately, my Grandmother noticed what was going on and confronted him without my knowledge. One day, he didn't show up at our store anymore and he wasn't eating his breakfast at that Eatery, either. Yet, he was still living at the same dormitory. I kinda missed him and wished for the rest of the summer to see him, but all in vain. My Good Aunt was concerned and talked to me about it, just the two of us. She said that they had talked and she admitted that he was a nice guy. There, I learned about what my Grandmother had done and his words that etched in my memory until now. "I like her but she's still young." I couldn't help myself but wonder that if maybe we were of same age, will he fight for me and pursue me?

For the first time in my life, I was heartbroken over a crush and the one responsible for it was nowhere to be found since then. I forced myself to move on and forget him, get back to my normal life without thinking of him and the memories he left. Right now, when I visit my Grandma's house sometimes, I can still see his dormitory and people say that he is still living there. The funny thing was, I totally forgot his name and I can't search for him on Facebook anymore because I deleted my old account where we were friends back then.

No matter how I try recalling the memories, hoping to get a clue of his name, it seems that it was lost in a void forever, which I can never retrieve anymore. I have been thinking about it every time those memories pass me, but to no avail. It's really lost in the depths of things where I forced myself to forget. Anyway, whoever he may be, I still want to thank him for giving colors to that boring summer.

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