All she needed was to…


Kate needn’t be told otherwise about her status in life. She knows what lies ahead, but she isn’t bothered. Yet, she couldn't stop thinking it would be a burden to her family. She hoped they could let her do her thing without their protective eyes everywhere.

Being the last born and only girl in the family with her two brothers, Kate have been protected all her life. Her brothers are just as strong-headed as her parents. They don’t want her to do this or that because 'she might get hurt', but damn! She will be fine if they just let her out.

She understood where they are coming from and that they have her best interest at heart, but not anymore. She would not be stuffed around like a Barbie.

She has lived 20 years of her life for them and now, it has to stop. Being 21, she need to live for her... not them. It is hard though. Knowing the plans she has for the future won’t include her family if they don’t let her do her thing alone.

Roaming around her pink and white painted room with dolls all around and a queen-sized bed, a walk-in closet, and some other fancy girly kinds of stuff, she hissed out. She just want to be out in the open without guards on her trail or reporters trying to make her the headline for the day.

She gets it. Her parents being prominent business gurus and her brothers following their footsteps brings the media's attention to them. This is why her family are so protective. To them, the world is cruel and she is too fragile to face it, but... for how long? She questioned the air that surrounds her.

Kate agrees that she is living a comfortable life. The kind of life millions will kill for, but she can’t live in it anymore. She wants to explore the world, travel around without being watched, work in places like being a waiter, or doing some odd jobs.

All she wants is to be alive, out of the comfort zone her family prepared for her, and move toward the one she is ready to dive into. She wants to have that feeling of being independent... if only they would let her.

Sighing deeply, she decided to talk to them tonight. Changing her night dark blue robe to a purple top and blue shorts jean trouser, she left her room to the sitting room as she awaits the presence of her family.

Not long after she got to the dining room, her parents followed suit. The look in her eyes must have got them as they joined her in the dining hall. Eating together is one of the things she loves about her family. As long as they are together, they eat breakfast and dinner as one.

It is almost time for dinner, and her parents are looking at her like she has two to three heads. They could sense she wasn't herself but just when they were about to break the deadlock, her brothers joined them in the dining.

She scoffs at them and shook her head in disbelief like she always does. In return, they sneered and completely ignored her like they always do. Just when the food was to be served, Kate cleared her throat to get the attention of everyone in the room.

I would like to discuss something urgent with you all before dinner, please?

She says with her eyes keen on them to see their reactions.

“Go on sweetie, we are all ears.” Her mom said.

“Mom, Dad... I want to move out of the space you’ve both created for me and live life alone with no guards or maids on my tail.” Swallowing hard and rubbing her palms together, she raised her eyes to stare at her family.

“I know you all love me and want the best for me. I do too. I love you all, but your best isn’t my definition of the best. I want to live life, do jobs, and see the outside world. I want to do things myself without someone pulling the strings. I want to…”

Standing up, she walked from one side of the dining to another and felt her family's attention on her. Stopping in her track, she turned and faced them again but this time with all the emotion she can muster up and silently praying to God that they don’t just listen, but understand and let her out.

“I plan to leave tomorrow. I already have everything covered except talking to you which I am doing now." Swallowing deeply, she added... "you can’t keep me enclosed forever. I need to breathe and live like a normal person. I have to, please…“ She begged, her eyes puffy red as she prayed for a miracle.

Sighing deeply, her Dad stood up and hugged her tightly and so did her Mom and her brothers as she cried silently in their embrace.

Kissing her knuckles. Her mother cleaned her tears as her father spoke.

“We love you, sweetheart. You are the only daughter God gave us and maybe that is why we treated you differently, but we know better." Smiling at her, her Mom continued, “Your Dad and I already decide to let you off the hook for a while and see how things go."

Looking at her Dad her Mom continued, "We’ve seen how uncomfortable you always were with our pampers and watchful eyes and we knew something like this may arise. We are glad you are having this discussion with us."

Smiling at her, her Mom added, "We are ready to let you leave. You have to promise to always check up on us every day.”

Nodding her head in agreement, Kate covered her mouth with her palms. Hugging her parents and her brothers she smiled. It seemed they all knew about this. All she needed was to speak. Unable to hold her joyful heart, she screamed with excitement and the dining hall was filled with echoes of laughter.

Then, something happened…

Gbruuu… bruuu... Sounded her stomach which brought in more laughter. Getting seated, they all knew it was time for dinner.

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