Hope's presence.

Photo On Pexel by Icon0

Sighing deeply, I stared at the sky, the star kept on dancing around, why wouldn’t they? When they have a lovely soul with them who was wrongly taken away from me. I was very angry and sad, perhaps I feel indifferent about it all. I want her back!! I screamed, as my voice echoed through the silent night.

My lungs hurt as I felt hot liquid rush down from my eyelids and burn my skin, I cried deeply and stare at the sky again, humming swiftly to the sound of nature that filled up my space, I shook my head. “I can’t even get the sound right anymore.”

“How many years would it take me to get a ladder to get to the sky?” I asked no one in particular, my question left hanging in the air like a lost soul with no bearing, maybe I should call on Superman, but heck Hollywood is a liar! Superman isn’t real, how dare they make him real and put me in a dilemma. I should sue them all for the make-believe lie spread all around.

Staring at the heaven again I sighed, with eyes searching my surrounding to see anything I could throw at it, so it could feel the pain I had to endure. I saw a pebble beside the hill where I sat, picking up the pebble I threw it at heaven, but just like I had hoped the only family I had would be here with me today but she isn’t so did heaven thrashed my hope again sending the pebble down to earth.

Glaring at the star that shined at me, I wore a frown, hope never seems to be on good terms with me even when my sister's name was Hope. I had hoped death won’t take her away from me but it did anyways, not caring if I were the only descendant left on earth.

When my parents had an accident some years back, my sister and I were left in the cold world, but together we rode it like a horseman rides his horse, our bond became stronger and we always had each other's back, I was 17 when our parent died while Hope was 10 years old. At this age we ruled the world, Hope was a happy and energetic kid who positively see things, the world was awesome in her eyes and she loved everyone in it, I took care of her and loved her with my world, she was the only family I had.

But as fate was cruel and life as its brother, Hope fainted 3 years ago on her 26th birthday. I had rushed her to the hospital in a panicked state where the doctor had diagnosed her with a brain tumor. I couldn’t believe what I heard and I was devastated, “No!! Not my Hope” I screamed but the world wasn’t listening, or maybe it didn’t just care.

My world shattered but Hope was there with her happy self, the tumor was operated on and she came out alive, I was happy and thanked heaven but the tumor kept coming back, and 2 months ago, it finally took her on her 29th birthday where she had slumped, she died upon arriving at the hospital leaving me alone in this cruel world while her spirit joined our parents in the place beyond.

I wished I was there with them where we can all be together as a family reunited and unbreakable, heck, I had thought of suicide but I couldn’t go with it, I had promised Hope I would stay alive and wouldn’t do anything rash.

Just then the heaven decided to retaliate back on the attempted failed pebble thrown towards it, the thunder boomed first and I glare at the heaven, and it responded with a downpour, it rained heavily and my cloth got soaked, standing up from the hill I sat a strong wind blew by. The presence of the wind amazed me as it calmed my bereaved soul, only Hope could calm me and I was right when I heard a familiar giggle.

My heart lit up and I smiled, closing my eyes I felt a kiss on my closed eyelids, smiling deeply I opened my eyes, I guess this is goodbye. And then heaven answered with more downpours, looking at my surrounding I laughed, Hope is happy I need to live for her.

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