
Anger fueled her gut as she spat out. "You are not just a cheat but a chronic liar!" Holding his right arm, she twisted it as he mumbled incoherently but she twisted it more until he finally gave in, bringing out the cards he secretly shoved into his sweaty chest.

“I knew it! I watched as you stylishly pressed the area”. Ria spouted out. Letting go of his arm she counted the cards as her mouth opened agape. “I am so reporting you to Mom of the recent changes in your behavior Richard", Ria swore as she marched to the patio where their mother, Rihanna, lay in deep thought.

Her brother, Richard, held her back pleading but she yanked his hands off her. She knew she had to say something to their mother.

After their Dad died at war some months back, her brother, Richard, just thirteen, has been into all sorts of trouble and gambling. She had caught him some days ago playing cards with some rough boys and she didn’t like it a bit.

When she confronted him about it, he lied saying he was with some of his friends studying. His lies were swiftly said that she almost questioned her sight but when she saw him again two days ago when she was coming back from her waiter job, she knew she wasn’t blind. Her brother has turned into a liar.

Their mother on the other side has lost touch with her disciplinary side after their father died. It was like she didn’t exist anymore. Ria knows her mother is hurt that she couldn’t save her husband despite being a nurse who has saved many soldiers from battle, only that... She wasn’t there to save the love of her life.

It is painful and will forever be but... They have to care for each other. That would make their father happy but seeing how things are, she seems to be the only one holding the family together. Though fifteen, she is already taking the job of an adult as she knows she won’t be able to further her education where she wants to if her family isn’t back together.

“Mom!” She screamed jolting her mother back to life.

“Mom, we need to talk”, she said sitting beside her mother as she signal her brother to come over.

“Can't it wait?” Questioned their mother as she quickly palmed off the tears that stained her cheek.

“Yes, Mom, it can’t. I can not wait for a second to see the rot that has taken over our lives. I need my mother back. I need that energy-filled woman who doesn’t joke with her family. I miss her cooking, her storytelling, and most importantly, her smile”. Holding onto her mother’s shoulder, Ria faced her with a teary eye as she spoke again.

“Is she that lost in her ocean of sadness that she has failed to see what grieve is doing to her world and her loved ones?” Shaking her mother, Ria continued, “Ma, you need to wake up from your slumber. I miss him too, we all do. Let’s bare each other's grief Ma, let's…"


Ria couldn’t finish her statements as their mother burst into tears, her voice echoed around as she let it all out and Ria joined in too and so did her brother who had walked closer to them. They held onto each other as they cried for some long minutes… Maybe hours.

Hiccups followed next as they cleaned each other's tears, pampering themselves in their grieved state before silence reigned.

“Richard lies ma and he cheats too. I brought a packet of cards yesterday so we can play together as I didn’t like that I saw him with the new friends he has. His grades have dropped below average and he does not attempt his assignments. Instead, he lies his way through and his teachers don’t believe him anymore. I have spoken to him numerous times but he is getting worse. You need to do something Ma”. Ria concluded, breaking the silence that clouded them some minutes ago.

“Richie,” their mother said as he burst into more tears.

“I am sorry ma, I miss Pa so much and your attention. I am not as strong as Ria and I just want to heal from this pain so badly. I know you are here but not here with us and Ria is busy with work. I needed someone to turn to. Someone who wouldn’t give me pity looks like my friends at school do and then I found these guys. They don’t give me the pity look or judge me so I stuck with them.”

Shaking her head, Rihanna held her son's face as she spoke. “I am sorry son. So sorry I left you and your sister alone forgetting you both are also pained. But, I am here now, for you, for me, for us.

Sighing deeply, she continued, “Tomorrow is a new day and we will both start this new day together. Tonight ends your meet-up with those friends of yours and my misery act too”.

Holding on to her daughter's hand, she continued, “Thank you for being strong for us Ria. You make parenting beautiful”. Smiling to her children she added. “Let the morning light begin a positive era for us all, now, where are the cards?”

“Check Richard's left breast Ma, that’s where he keeps them”. Chuckled Ria.

“I am not going to cheat again Ria, I promise”. Retorted back Richard as he held his chest in Scout's honor gesture as Ria laughed.

“Yeah, I know you won’t. Mom is back in full force but I need this story to stick to my memory as I need to tell it to your children”. Replied Ria.

“Ma...” Richard whined as laughter filled the air.

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