

It's a public Holiday and for the first time in a long while, Anna could actually do a thorough clean-up in her home. Finally, she could get busy with something else aside work.

Anna was in her daughter's room with her son sorting out her clothing when something fell off.

“What's that?” Anna questioned turning her neck around.

“Here you go mommy,” 6 years old Jay extended the object in his hand he had picked up from the floor.

He continued, “Are you looking for this? It fell from Sugar's jean pocket.”

“Your sister's name is Julie, not Sugar,” Anna corrected sternly.

“But everyone else calls her Sugar, so why can't I?” Rebelled Jay.

By now, Anna was trying not to snap at Jay, as she squeezed on the edges of the fabric she's holding, while chewing on her teeth tightly…

Countless times she has kicked against Julie adopting the name Sugar, but it seemed the more she put her foot down to exercise parental control, the farther the children drift, especially Julie.

“What in the world is this?” Anna muttered, turning the pack of the medicine both ways and trying to get a description.

“I think they called it plan B, Keisha brought it for Julie the last time she was here.” Jay disclosed to Anna, in a bid to help her unravel the mystery drugs.

“Plan B, huh?” And you say Keisha brought this?

“Yes mom” Jay responded with a nod.

Immediately, Anna reached out to her phone and went on the internet to search for any medication relating to plan B.

What she saw broke her, but she didn't want Jay to be on fully on all what is happening, so she kept her cool.

After her chores, she made sure Jay was fast asleep and excused herself to her study. She was confused and didn't know what to do. Julie was drifting, and she didn't want to lose her completely.

As she walked back and forth, murmuring continuously, “what do I do.” It hit her to sort a third-party opinion, so she called her childhood friend Catherine, who has been in the motherhood journey longer than she has.

“Hello Catherine, is this a good time?” Anna sort to know in a depressed tone, as Catherine picked up the call from the other end.

“Yeah sure babe, you know it's the holiday's so it's mostly a lazy one for me.”

Catherine continued, this time more concerned: “What's wrong Anna, your voice is unusual.”

“Oh! Catherine I'm finished, I'm a bad mom, I have failed Julie, and I am going to lose her.” As much as Anna tried not to cry, she was overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't help it.

“Whoa… Slow down Anna, what happened? I can't be of help if you don't calm down and talk to me.”

“I found a morning after pill in Julie's clothing.” Anna sniffled.

“A morning after pill? Wow! This is much”!

Catherine continued, “Have you talked to her about it?”

No! I just saw it today, I'm so confused… I don't know what to do.

“Is she home?” Catherine questioned again.

“No she's not, I haven't seen her since I got up.”

Anna's response angered Catherine as she snapped at her “How are you raising that girl Anna? I mean, she's just 15 years old, and you don't even know her whereabouts?”

“I'm sorry, I know, I'm a terrible mom.” Anna squealed.

Catherine exhaled loudly, paused briefly and then responded, "No you are not, you just have a lot going on for you, but you need to create more time for the kids.

She continued, “Now you are seeing morning after pill with Julie, what will you find when Jay turns 13 a gun?”

Anna cried harder…. “What do I do, Catherine, I do not want to lose my children.”

“If you don't want to lose them, then you need to make them priority. I know it's just you and them since their father's demise, and you have to earn, but kindly evaluate that because no earning is worth your children's future.”

Catherine's response calmed Anna a bit and gave her more insight on how to handle Julie's case.

She thanked Catherine for her time and as the call ended, she became more aware on how to win her daughter back and be a better mother to Jay.

Later in the evening, Julie was sneaking into her room through her window, her room light was turned off and as she got in, she turned it on only to see Anna seated on her bed. She almost ran back through the window but held put.

“Jesus mom! You scared me” Julie said as she held on to her heart, while breathing heavily.

“What's this Julie? Morning after pill? Sneaking out the window? Not listening to a word I say…. Where did I go wrong with you, Julie?” Anna questioned with a shaky voice.

“I don't understand what you are talking about mom, what is morning after pill?” Julie questioned, narrowing her eyes, while lowering and bringing together her eyebrows.

“Oh I see, we are playing the ignorance card… This morning after pill Anna yelled as she threw the box of medicine at Julie.” As much as Anna wanted to just talk and avoid all forms of confrontation, Julie didn't leave her much of a choice, especially as she started laughing….

“You are so cute mom” If you would think of me a liar, we could go to the Pharmacy right now for confirmation on what this really is. Julie responded holding up the pack.

“No! I want to hear it from you Julie, what is this and why is it in your clothing?” Anna yelled some more.

“Ok mom! You need to chill out, I do not appreciate you snooping around my room but since I live under your roof, I will explain myself.” Julie said calmly, then continued, “Keisha's mom is sick and this is just part of the medication she needs. Keisha has been stealing from her father to be able to afford this.”

“So what is it doing with you? And why is it called a plan B?” Anna questioned in doubt.

“I just told you mom, Keisha has been stealing from her dad to purchase this, how does she explain to her father when he finds out she's been purchasing drugs for her mother whom he detest so much?”

“Wait…. Mom! You think?…. Wow! Julie burst into laughter.” Maybe we should go to the pharmacy because I don't like how you are handling this….

“Keep talking young lady, I get to decide what to do, not you” Anna said with a straight face.

“Well Ok your Highness,” Julie chuckled then continued, “Keisha calls it a plan B as it's not the original drugs, it's a generic product which is quite affordable unlike name brand”

By now Anna was relaxing off the attacks gradually, “Hmmmm, are you telling me the truth?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“How can I pull off such lies mom, Keisha's mother is proof, the pharmacy is proof… If it pleases you, I could ask Keisha for the doctor's prescription”

“No! It's fine, baby, I believe you” Anna's mood brightened as she reached out to give Julie a hug.

As the ladies bounded, Jay came into the room and handed Julie her sweat shirt, Uncle Mike said you left this in his car.

Julie's eyes shun as Mike is her new boyfriend whom they just started a platonic relationship. But how does she explain this to her mom given the situation of things.

As Julie stammers to clear the air, Anna took in a deep breath and said, “No more secrets, I just want to see Mike and have a word with him, make it happen."

"Ok mom", Julie responded and as Anna turned her back to leave, Julie quickly did a sign of the cross then inhaled and exhaled loudly.

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