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Nina and Freya have been best friends since they were children. However, the girls experienced some strain in their friendship when Freya got involved with billionaire bad boy Teddy.

After years of being secluded from the outside world by Teddy, Freya managed to escape one evening after giving Teddy a slight overdose of his insomnia medication.

It's been a while since her escape and Freya couldn't help but feel that all is not well and Teddy would be coming for her.

Weeks after Freya's escape, both girls started the rainy evening at a karaoke bar. This would be Freya's first outing since her freedom and given all that she has been through with her ex, the evening was a breath of fresh air for her. Regardless, Freya couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

"Come on girl, lighten up and have some fun. You should be celebrating your freedom from that psycho... Why are you still holding back?" Nina questioned, moving her body slowly to the rhythm of the cool blues playing in the background.

"There's something about Teddy not coming after me that doesn't feel right." Freya rubbed on her bandaged arm, wearing a wrinkled forehead with creased brows.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know and I can't place it, but it's all too easy you know..."

"No, I don't know Freya. What do you mean it's all too easy? You almost died trying to escape that psycho, look at your arm that got caught in the barbed wire of his fence. Have you forgotten how you narrowly escaped his man eating dogs? And you say it's all too easy? Freya are you sure you are feeling ok?" Nina questioned, stretching forth the back of her palm to check for Freya's temperature via her forehead.

Waving off Nina's palm from her forehead, Freya responded, "I'm fine, maybe I should just go home."

"Yes, you should go home and get more rest. Do you want me to drive you?"

"No Nina, it's fine, I can manage. Enjoy your evening." Freya grabbed her coat and exited the bar. Walking briskly to her car, to avoid being drenched by the rain, she caught a glimpse of a man standing by the Walkway across. Getting a closer look to be sure what she's seeing, the figure disappeared and she doubled her step, trying not to be overwhelmed with fear.

The walk to the parking lot felt like a mile journey and when Freya finally got there, locating her car became another herculean task. Things got awkward when it seemed that whatever step that she took, it felt like someone was closely behind. Immediately she saw her car from a distance, she raced to it. With shaky hands from cold and fright, she hurriedly opened the car door as her keys clank.

Once inside the car, Freya struggles briefly with a panic attack, gasping for air and holding tightly to her chest as it feels closed in. The air felt thin but she was too scared to roll down the window. Once she started moving, she felt confident enough to roll the window down a bit, enjoying the cool air of the drizzling night

"What if I'm being unnecessarily paranoid about the feeling that I am being followed?" Freya questioned as she laid on her bed to rest.

She continued, "It's been over two weeks and I don't think that Teddy is ever going to come look for me. I have my life back now and I owe it to myself to enjoy it. Tomorrow, I am going to start catching up with life and on all that Teddy made me miss out on". Freya yawned and for the first night in a long while, she slept soundly.

Very early in the morning, before the break of dawn, Freya's sleep was interrupted by Nina banging on her front door as if to pull it down.

"Is Nina alright?" Freya questioned as she got in her robe to tend to the bang on her door. Knowing fully well that no one else knew where she lived aside Nina, she wasn't expecting anyone else especially having resolved within herself that her chapter with Teddy is over.

"Girl? Are you ok? Do you want to bring down my door?" Freya queried as she opened her locks. Before she could open the door to usher Nina in, she badged in informing Freya that Teddy is dead.

The shocking news and turn of event saw Freya staggering to the wall. Not knowing how else to process the news, she questioned, "Teddy is dead? How?"

With Nina's eyes closed inhaling and exhaling sharply, she opened her eyes again, then responded, "this is bad Freya, Teddy's death is all over the news alongside CCTV footage of you escaping from his home. You are being accused of murder Freya. Apparently, Teddy died from an overdose of the medications you gave him". Nina continued, "thought you said the dosage you gave him won't kill him? What happened?"

Freya was too shocked for words, it immediately made sense to her why Teddy didn't come after her. "But if Teddy had died, why is it making it to the news now?" Freya questioned.

"Well, he has been in a coma and gave up today. When the news came up at the bar, I couldn't help but thank God that you left already. I also made sure to leave immediately" Nina responded.

"Does this mean I'm going to go to jail? I don't want to go to jail Nina, I didn't mean to kill him". Freya panicked as tears rolled down freely from her eyes down to her neck area.

"Shhh relax, we'd go through this together", Nina said to Freya, reaching out to her and holding her tight."

She continued, "If it's any consolation, I still have the footage you sent me secretly showing me all the times he hurt you. Don't forget that you later discovered you were not his only victim. Quite unfortunate that he took interest in you. You only acted in self defense and I will fight this with you Freya, we will get the best lawyers and you will finally be free".

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