Red Flag

Image by Alice Alinari

The event hall was colorful and full of laughter. There was soft music playing in the background, the indistinct voices of the guests could also be heard by everyone. There was a band, playing cool and lovely music, setting the romantic mood to sweep anyone off their feet.

But none of them moved me.

It was my baby sister’s wedding, and because I loved her I was genuinely happy for her. I liked the man she was getting married to, he was a cool dude to hang out with. Our parents sat on their chairs, beaming with smiles as they drank expensive wine, looking proud and happy. Everyone around me was looking proud and happy, except me. I had this dark cloud hovering over me, sucking out any joy I could derive from this wedding ceremony of my baby sister.

And what was the cause? Nothing other than heartbreak. I had just broken up with Tochi, my girlfriend of five years. The memory of it was still fresh on my mind and every time I thought of it, I just wanted to sit down and cry.

I had loved her with all my heart and I had tried to make it work, I even went as far as ignoring the red flags that had been showing up from the onset of the relationship.

My relationship with Tochi had been a toxic one, one I had thought I could handle but over time proved too big for me.

Tochi was impossible to please, I could hand the world over to her and she would have nothing to say. Not even a thank you. In her eyes, she was never wrong, and I was never right. Not even when all the facts pointed otherwise. When we had issues, she always found a way to blame it all on me, and I always felt guilt-ridden and apologized for offenses I didn’t even commit. And during quarrels, she would get so destructive, smashing plates and appliances, turning the house into a warzone.

It got so bad that she began to get jealous of my sisters and my mother, hating it when I had to go see them or send them money. And I was powerless against that. Blindly in love with her, I stayed away from my family and friends. And I Stayed away from society at large, all to please Tochi.

And that was how five years of my life went by. It wasn’t until I began to think about how nothing seemed to be moving for me that I realized just how deeply I was sunk. I couldn’t keep on letting her have control over my life, I needed to take charge. But after enduring it for so long, it wasn’t so easy. I still found myself, unable to pull away from her. So I hated her for what she was doing to me and then hated myself for being unable to leave.

I felt that way my baby sister came to my rescue. She was the one that made me realize just how messed up my life was getting and how it was only up to me to fix it. I found out then that Tochi could only do those things to me because I allowed her to, and it was time to break out.

Her words gave me strength, and I was able to take the big step and break up with Tochi. It was not easy, but I did it. I cut off all ties with her, moved out of the house we had both rented, even left the car for her. I just wanted a fresh start somewhere that there was no Tochi.

And since then, my life has been improving. Not as quickly as I had hoped, but there were remarkable improvements. And it was going to remain that way.

And that was why today I was still trying hard to enjoy my sister’s wedding ceremony. After all, I could not let someone like Tochi ruin such a happy day for me. Hell no!

Just then, it was time for the cutting of the cake by the couple, I shook my head to clear it. I only wanted happy thoughts.

The M.C invited the couples to where the three-tier cake stood. It was magnificent, looking beautiful in white and gold that the chef had baked coated it in. There were miniature figures of a couple, the male was in a tux while the female was in a wedding gown.

As both bride and groom stepped up to the cake and were handed the knife, everyone watched expectantly. Then as they held it together, after the M.C spelled the word ‘love’, they cut the cake.

All of us gave them a round of applause. My sister was beaming happily, waving at my mother as she proceeded to cut out a slice from the cake. She was going to feed it to her husband while he too would do the same.

Just then, someone settled into the seat beside me.

“Hello, Philip.”

I froze immediately as I heard my name. I would recognize that voice anywhere, I turned in abject shock.

“Tochi? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Come on,” she smiled guilelessly at me. “It’s your sister’s wedding, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

She was breathtakingly beautiful. Even after everything she had done to me, she still could make my heart race. And she knew it. And she also knew that I knew that. My hands were shaking; I didn’t want to be close to her anymore. But there was no way I was leaving my seat for her. I needed her out of this wedding.

“You need to leave. Now!”

“That would be rude, Philip.”

I looked around for one of the ushers so they could get her out.

“Okay, Philip. You win. I’ll leave, but let me at least stay till the couple eats the cake, please?”

“Why? What is it to you?”

“Well, I want to see if they like it. You see, I baked it myself.”

I felt a dull thud in my chest, “that’s a lie. My sister would never have asked you to cater her wedding. You hate her and she knows it.”

“Of course I hate her,” Tochi frowned at that. “If not for her we would still be together. She planted thoughts in your head and you foolishly went along. I will not forgive her, Philip. But my day of reckoning came when she approached the agency where I work to cater her wedding. Not even you knew I worked there. Imagine my surprise. I made sure I would be a part of the team, just so I would personally bake the cake.”

That was when she pulled out her business card, and it had the symbol of the agency. It was then I began to fear for my sister.

I grabbed her by the arms, “what the hell have you done?”

“Who knows? Maybe I put a little something extra into the cake.” She shrugged out of my grip, “or maybe I didn’t put anything. I guess we’ll just have to find out.”

She nodded towards the front and I followed her gaze in time to see my sister and her husband feed each other the cake.

“NO!!!” I surged to my feet, my wineglass slipping from my hand and shattering on the tiled floor. But it was at that moment the guests stood up to clap for the couple, congratulating them after feeding each other. So my outburst had gone unnoticed.

My heart was beating fast; fear was pulsing through my veins. I had no idea what could happen next.

“That was my wedding gift to the couple, and the scare was my gift to you.” Tochi said in my ear, “have this in mind Philip, I don’t forgive. And I sure as hell don’t forget.”

By the time I turned to look at her, she was already making her way through the crowd and disappearing from view.

I collapsed back on the chair, my heartbeat subsiding. It was time to involve the Police.

The End.
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