"The nightmare hunter"

The night announces its arrival with the black cloak that characterizes it, and with it brings a large flock of enemies that come to turn the dreams of many into huge nightmares. The hours on the clock are slowly passing and the time for sleep is approaching, a moment with the aroma of rest but which is basically an opportunity for the most terrifying figures to emerge from their lairs and prepare to wreak havoc in the minds of those who sleep.

Faced with the imminent night stalking, a man adjusts his boots and adjusts his cloak, under which he hides his sharp sword, a golden bow and a harp of crystalline strings that flashes colored light to the sound of a tune. With his hat adjusted, this mysterious man now fixes his gaze on the moon, waiting for the first cries that will start the hunt.

For millennia, the battle has been as hostile as it has been merciless, in which many dreams have died and others lie broken in the trunk of oblivion because of the terrible nightmares, beings that become your worst fears and feed on the fear that emanates from your heart. Therefore, every night many warriors raise their flag to declare war on these daring intruders who want to end the peace and harmony that dwells in the world of dreams. There is no more time to lose, but time to fight and win, and that is how our reckless hunter goes out to conquer everything in his path.

And it is here where this brave character meets his first opponent, a beast of enormous size and figure that oppresses its victims until they can no longer breathe. It is an opponent of great wingspan, with claws that can slice through iron with total ease, an opponent whom the nightmare hunter has faced on several occasions and has defeated less and less easily.

One hears the grinding of the sword with the claws of the enemy, one hears the furious shriek of a monster that refuses to lose, and between lashes back and forth and incessant attacks, the nightmare hunter has emerged victorious and victorious, just in time to put his opponent in his place and leave the resident in his deepest and most tender sleep. And the fact is that all battles are fought in the field where dreams originate, a place where only thoughts, nightmares and a hunter as skilled as our character can enter.


Pixabay by KELLEPICS

There have always been nightmare hunters but none as bold and powerful as Steve, who now goes to his castle to regain his strength and heal his wounds, while another night approaches with more challenges and enemies that will want to end in any way and forever. Because his fame has spread to the corners of that world of beasts and hunters, to such an extent that many nightmares are terrified to know that Steve is the rival to defeat.

On one occasion, a man succumbed to his rest on the high seas, and with it unleashed what for many had been the most frightening creature born of a nightmare. It was a giant squid that fed on pain and fear, and the more it was attacked the bigger it became, becoming the possible extinction of the race of hunters who one by one were succumbing and being devoured by this merciless creature.

Steve had just faced a wind giant that gave him a lot of work to defeat, until he was able to use his golden bow to annihilate it. Still tired from the fight he had just had, this brave hunter went to the dream where the creature was to confront it before it was too late. It was known among all hunters that if the nightmare was not defeated before dawn, it would come true and the hunters would never be able to fight again.

Steve had such a challenge in front of him, when he saw that the giant squid did not stop growing, as hundreds of hunters had tried to kill it but all of them failed. Unable to attack it directly, Steve tried to find a strategy while a huge hourglass marked the remaining thread of time for the next sunrise, which was now only counted in seconds.

And that possible defeat was completely blurred when Steve, knowing that any frontal attack was useless, decided to play his harp subtly to lull the creature to sleep. The plan was working, and just as he finished plucking the last string, the nightmare hunter threw himself over the giant squid and just like that, plunged his sword into the head of his enemy. He has won! Steve has destroyed the creature!


Pixabay by DavidEnglund

That feat made Steve's name as a hunter even greater, so much so that not only did the nightmares flee from him, but other hunters began to feel envious of that brave warrior's achievements. Many years of triumphs and exploits passed in the world of dreams, time in which Steve became the perfect nightmare hunter, a title he invented only thanks to all that he had achieved.

Until one night stained with wine, some hunters intoxicated with anger and envy decided to trap Steve. To do so, they asked him for help in the face of a supposed nightmare that would not leave the queen of a distant country in peace. They told him that the creature was very clever at sneaking through the darkness, and many of them had no choice but to run away.

Steve was quick to leave in the face of that supposed threat and stealthily reached the place that was covered with a darkness so dense that it was palpable. Step by step, Steve was advancing, at the same time that he wielded his sword more tightly, ready for any attack that wanted to take him by surprise. Suddenly, someone began to walk in front of him and almost before drawing his sword, a woman turned on the light: it was the queen who was sleeping peacefully before hearing and feeling a strange presence that caused her so much fear and dread that it shook her sleep.

And so Steve fell into the trap, becoming from that very moment the Queen's nightmare. With this, our brave warrior was banished from the land of the hunters, and now he could even be hunted for being considered an enemy for disturbing the harmony of that woman who was only the weapon of a cruel hoax.

With this, those arrogant and selfish hunters seemed to get away with it, without knowing that what they had done was the worst thing for their lives, because now they had the best hunter on the other side and thus creating their worst nemesis, because from that moment Steve also became the enemy of them all, a nightmare whom no one wanted to face and from whom now the hunters are the ones who must escape.


Pixabay by Mysticsartdesign


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