The Red and White Envelope | Inkwell prompt of the week

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The sound of the train sighing exhaustively woke me up with a jerk, I had gotten used to the vibrations and load roar of the train every morning while it passed by the rail lines that ran through my house.

Why then did it decide to stop in front of my house was the big question. I lazily removed the duvet cover and crawled to my window. I saw that the train had stopped alright and it was rather odd to see a man dressed like an elf walk out from the train.

He was a pretty short and he wore a wide terrible smile on his face and I could see people start to gather around him.

It's that time of the season! Christmas is here! It's a time of cheer and merriment! You won't believe it, but Santa-Claus has sent words from the North pole! and it reads(he whispers),
"Ho, ho , ho, ho, ho, it is sad to note that the spirit of Christmas is fast diminishing, and in order to bring back this spirit, I'll ask that each one of you write me a personal letter telling me what you want for Christmas!!"

He kept on reading and then brought out a bag full with red and white envelopes and started handing them out to people. I don't know what propelled me but I ran downstairs almost nearly falling down the stairs with the duvet wrapped around my legs. I cursed as I set my legs free and still ran till I got to the door.

I quickly unlocked them and met with this awkward elf man and his smile widened when I approached me. He stretched out an envelope to me and when I tried to take it, he grabbed my hand and pulled me very close. I was shocked at his strength because he looked like he couldn't even carry himself.

Once I was very close to his lips he muttered the words slowly,

You have to believe Victony, believe!!!

With that, he let out an hysteric laugh, it was so loud that it almost destroyed my eardrums. He turned backed still laughing and walked towards the train and while train sped off his eyes remained fixed at me, and his laugh continue to echo continuously till..

I woke up with a jerk, my pyjamas was seriously soaked in sweat, my whole body was cold and my ears hurt like crazy. I tried to remember what had happened but my brain was still fuzzy.

It must have been a dream

I said to myself, then immediately crawled out of bed, I walked towards the window, the sun didn't waste no time to make me regret it, I cursed yawning, I stretched a little and was about to walk towards the shower when something caught my eye. I turned and walked towards my reading table and right there laid the red and white envelope the elf man had given me!!

Thank you for taking time to read this post in the spirit of the festivities, it'll be great to show a lot of love to our friends, families and loved ones, most especially to other people we don't know.❤️❤️

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