

Jimmy heard his sister's cry for help but didn't wait. He kept on running, he wished he had never agreed to the bet with his friends. He should have said no but didn't want to be called a little boy. 'I bet they would feel so good in my shoes right now'. He thought to himself, still running down the stairs of the old dilapidated house towards the door.

"I'm sorry, Tracy, I'll mobilize help when I'm out of here". He yelled back to his younger sister without even looking back and kept running down the stairs in pitch darkness.

He got to the door, and turned around 360 degrees in confusion, "I could have sworn the door was right here," he said to himself, blinking twice in shock. He suddenly heard a loud cackle from his right, he took a step backward and stepped on something long and hard. He felt his Adidas footwear crushing it. A wood perhaps? Surely, a piece of wood wouldn't sound like a stick getting crushed under his feet. Thankfully, he had the foresight to bring a flashlight with him. He quickly took it out of his side bag and turned it on. He flashes it to the floor to look at what he stepped on.

He screamed and ran back, it was a skeleton of a human body. He could have sworn he saw blood spatters around the body. How a skeleton could have blood spatters on its body, he didn't want to know and didn't bother to find out.

He turned around and ran back to the top of the stairs he abandoned his sister. He slowly opened the door and saw Tracy still standing rooted to the spot he left her, urine dripping down her dress, her entire body shivering, and big eyeballs opened wide in fear.

"Tracy, are you okay?" He asks, taking slow cautious steps towards her.

She slowly nods her head in affirmation. She swallows several times and suddenly finds courage. "How dare you leave me, Jimmy? It was your idea to come here in the first place".

"I'm sorry, I was scared, I saw that black shadow moving towards us, and I had to flee. I told you to run, but you didn't. I don't deserve to die now, I'm only 11". He lowers his voice, "Where's the thing?"

"It disappeared just when I thought it was going to strangle me. You shouldn't have left me, I'm your younger sister, I'm only nine. You are supposed to look out for me"

"I'm here now, aren't I? I came back for you". The lie rolled easily off his tongue, it was the least he could do for abandoning her. "We need to leave here, now."

"Why don't we just call for help? I think it's still going to come back. It disappeared angrily".

"Stop being silly, how can you tell the mood when it departed as dark as it is in here?"

"All I know is, I don't think it's safe here. Let's just call for help?"

"You forgot I left my phone at home. We better leave, as long as we are quiet, we can make a run for it".

She pouts stubbornly, "We could just wait till they come looking for us".

"How will they know we are here? No one knows apart from my silly friends, and they would rather die before they confess. We are on our own now". The thought of his friends flittered through his mind, and he inwardly swore to never take stupid bets like this anymore.

The whole thing started as a joke, during recess when he was discussing Halloween plans with his classmates.

"I'm going to visit my grandmother, I heard she's a witch. She's going to teach me magic and stuff". Phoebe said proudly."

"Aren't you scared?"

Lizzie her best friend asked in awe.

"Why should I be? I'll be turning you all into rats and mice when I'm done learning many tricks and spells". She says giggling.

Everyone spoke of their Halloween plans and of course, added some spice to exaggerate it.

"How about you, Jimmy? You haven't said anything". Nat asks shaking Jimmy out of his reverie.

Jimmy had been lost in thought, trying to top the charts. He had been weaving a tale in his head, something that would blow their minds away, and now the moment had come. "I have something spooky planned for Halloween", He smiles confidently.

"Tell us". They echoed. Everyone knew Jimmy to be daring, rude, and impulsive, he seldom thinks before doing anything. This behavior has gotten him in trouble more times than anyone could remember. He was always so loud and boastful about breaking rules and flaunting laws, so this new Jimmy was strange to them.

Truth was, Jimmy had nothing to do for Halloween, but he had to live up to his hard-earned reputation. "Sorry, guys, I'm keeping this one to myself".

"I bet he has nothing planned for Halloween, he's just lying." Dan, his arch enemy and rival in class said.

Jimmy felt his common sense bolt and jump out the window at the thought that just crossed his mind. More like it was making a declaration that it wouldn't be guilty by association.

They all lean towards him eagerly, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Well, I'm going to the spooky house".

"Spooky house!" They all exclaim at once.

"You are even crazier than Phoebe".

"I don't believe you, you must have some nuts loose in your head if you think I believe you." Dan retorts, staring at him in puzzlement.

They had all heard the story of the spooky house since they started walking, legend has it that the abandoned old building at the end of the town has ghosts inhabiting it since the last owner died. It used to be a very beautiful architectural structure owned by a widower who suddenly passed away with no known relatives. Every parent warned their children to stay away from it as it's creepy and no one ever goes there.

"You lie a lot, Jimmy, I'm with Dan on this, you wouldn't dare go. Even if you aren't that crazy".

This last sentence by his friend, Nat hurt him and he decided there and then to show Dan up. "I'll go, and I'll bring evidence. I'll take my camera with me to take pictures of the so-called spooky house. It can only be spooky to cowards like you".

It was evident no one believed he was stupid enough to go through with his plan, so they placed bets with their lunch monies for two weeks if Jimmy backed his ridiculous adventure with proof and if he didn't go, he would have to pay up. They made a pact and dispersed.

Jimmy was in his room on the bed, trying to map out a plan for his visit to the spooky house, papers, pen, and books scattered in front of him when his Mother, Natalie knocked and entered.

"Why haven't you done the dishes yet, Jimmy?"

He groans and rolls over to face her. "I'll do it later, not now, Mum".

"You say that all the time, you never help with household chores and you are always up to one mischief or the other".

"Please, Mum, I'm trying to read here, not now".

"Now, that's a first. I never see you read, just round up soon and get the dishes done". She exits and leaves the door open.

His sister, Tracy enters and sits on his bed. "What are you up to, Jimmy?"

"None of your business, Tracy, and you better leave my room".

"You think I don't know what you are up to?"

"You wish. Now, make yourself scarce". He stands up to drag her from his bed.

"I'll tell Mum and Dad you know?"

"That what?"

"That you are planning to go to the spooky house tomorrow night. I know you placed a bet with Dan, Nat, Phoebe, and Lizzie. Phoebe's sister told me, she heard it from her sister who by the way thinks you have gone cuckoo".

"Ssh!" He places a finger on his lips to silence her. "What do you want in exchange for your silence?"

"So, you want to go through with it?"

"Yes I do. Don't start reminding me of the concocted tales about the house. I don't believe them. So, tell me what you want and disappear".

"It's your choice if you want to go, none of my business. I haven't decided what I want yet".

A thought suddenly popped into his head, one that seemed perfect to stop her meddling in his business going forward. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Nah, I'm not as stupid as you are. I would never enter the house even if I was dead. I'll pass".

"Look, it's all tales, nothing more. The spooky house is just like any other house, it's just unhabited".

She shakes her head, "Nah, I'll pass".

"How would you like to brag to your friends that you went to a spooky house, and nothing happened to you? We just need to shatter the myth. Let's be trendsetters for once". He was desperately hoping she would accept, he had other plans to scare her to death if she agreed to follow him.

She squeezes her face in thought, the idea does seem appealing. It's always fun to do the unexpected, plus it's going to earn her bragging rights among her friends and street credibility in the neighborhood. "Okay, I'll go".

He smiles triumphantly and nods his head in excitement.

That was just last night, and now they are here, stuck with no way out. They had since been chased by shapes, skeletons, images, and finally shadows.

"It's your fault, Jimmy, I never should have agreed to this stupid idea".

"How about we get out of here first and discuss everything later? Are you ready to leave or not?"

She takes a deep breath to summon courage, "Okay, let's do this".

He holds her hand in his left and the flashlight in his right hand. They take slow, careful steps on tiptoe, and are almost halfway down the stairs when they suddenly spot a skeleton in front of them, it is dancing and moving toward them. Tracy screams and runs back up the stairs, Jimmy right on her heels.

They enter the first room to their left, and close the door, using their bodies as barricades.

"Lord, please, if I get out of this alive, I'm never taking stupid bets and risking my life again ever". Jimmy wails, breathing heavily beside Tracy who is hyperventilating.

The door to the room they are in is suddenly locked from the outside, and they hear the key turn.

"Lord, please, I'm begging you". Jimmy wails again.

They both try to open the door to no avail.

A screen appears in front of them, and the dancing skeleton appears again, to address them, cackling loudly. "Hello, disobedient children," The skeleton says, its mouth barely moving. I am the house resident, and I punish stubborn children, why did you come here? Haven't you been warned?" It cackles mockingly at them again.


"We are sorry," Tracy says shivering and clutching Jimmy's clothes."It was his idea," she indicates to Jimmy.

"Shut up, Tracy, don't put this on me. You wanted to come".

"What do we have here? A rude, rude, rude, little boy. Don't you know it's bad manners to insult people?" The house resident says.

"I'm sorry, I won't do that again".

"Apologize to her, not me".

Jimmy turns to Tracy, shivering, "I'm sorry, I won't ever insult you again".

"That's better. Now, why shouldn't I punish you? You have trespassed by coming here. Did your parents not warn you?" The house resident says, dancing on the screen. You better not lie or I'll have you for dinner, I love children's meat, it's so yummy.

Jimmy looks down at his pants in fear, he can feel and see hot urine trickling down his pants. "We are sorry, we were warned, we just didn't listen".

The resident continues cackling. "You told the truth, so, I just might not eat you yet. I have other questions before I decide what to do with you. Your answers will determine what I will do to you, release you, or eat you up. You better tell the truth".

They chorus simultaneously, "We will".

"I dislike disobedient and lazy children. Do you help your parents out with chores and errands at home? Are you good children? Do you do your assignments and play well with others?"

Tracy answers first, almost freezing to the spot. "I do, I'm a very good child".

Jimmy mutters an inaudible answer under his breath, looking down.

"Speak up, boy". The resident bellows at Jimmy, causing him to jump.

"I don't, Mr resident, and I'm sorry".

"You have been a very naughty boy, Jimmy, and you deserve to be eaten for breakfast. Tracy, you have been a good girl, and you will be rewarded with treats for Halloween". The resident says cackling again. And don't wonder how I know your names, I know the names of every child in this town, and I've been watching you, Jimmy, for a long time.

A bag of candies is tossed to Tracy from the roof, and the door opens, Tracy picks up the candy bag and runs out. Jimmy is about to follow suit when the door closes again and is locked from the outside.


"Now, Jimmy, do you promise to be a good boy henceforth and attend to all your chores, errands, duties, and assignments?"

"I promise, I will never be disobedient, lazy, and lie again. Please, don't eat me for dinner".

"I'll let you go, but if I catch you doing any of the things you disavowed, I'll come to your house and eat you up. You don't get any candy for being naughty. Now, scurry away". The door opens from the outside and Jimmy flees out of the house, never stopping throughout his five-minute run till he gets home.

Thankfully, his parents are not around to ask him any questions. He goes straight into his room, after checking in on Tracy to make sure she's fine.

Jimmy is the first person downstairs the next morning, he has washed the dishes and is even halfway to making pancakes when his Mum, Natalie joins him in the kitchen, followed by his Father, Josh and lastly, Tracy. Tracy and Jimmy avoid making eye contact throughout breakfast.


"You surprised me today, Jimmy, I'm impressed you did all this work since you got up". His father remarks at the table.

He blushes, "I'm happy to do it, Dad. Henceforth, I will be on a new behavior, I'll take my studies seriously and do all that is expected of me".

"Wow, I'm so proud of you, keep doing this son, and you will be the best among equals". He exchanges a smile and a knowing glance with his wife.

After dinner, Jimmy offers to clear the table and do the dishes, while Tracy goes up the stairs to rest a bit.

"I told you it was going to work, Natalie. It did, even better than we expected". Josh remarks smiling at his wife.

"You sure did, good thing i eavesdropped on his conversation with Tracy the day before yesterday. I'm never doing that to my kids again though, the talking resident was a tad too much".

"We won't even need to, I wish Tracy didn't get caught up in it, but it turned out well in the end".

They both smile and clink their glasses of juice.

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