The Chosen One

Ozan Çulha
The Chosen One

The whole forest bustled with activity. Everyone in Ijemba was searching for the portal to the spirit world. It was the custom for all the people in Ijemba to search for the portal to the spirit world at the early rains to appease the spirits. There wasn't much luck this year as the Oracle hadn't chosen the carrier of the sacrifice to the spiritual portal and only the chosen person could find the portal.

Oma moved slowly behind the men searching for the portal. She had no experience of what she was doing and she had no choice but to join the search because her grandmother had told her that an evil spirit killed those who remained at the village while the search went on. She diverted from the major bush path and walked to a quiet place under a baobab tree. She was tired from her journey and needed to rest but was forced to participate in this search. She looked around to ensure nobody was following her. When she was sure that she wasn't been followed, she found a safe spot beside the tree and rested her head to take a nap.

Olamiri, the guardian of the portal to the spirit world watched in amusement as the village people combed every part of the forest searching for an invisible portal. None of the villagers qualified to be chosen and the spirits had decided that they would suffer unless the qualified person showed up. Olamiri pitied the village people and wanted to help them but she had not found the suitable person she could bestow upon a part of her spirit.

Olamiri noticed movement at the baobab tree close to her. In curiosity, she moved closer to the tree and found a young girl trying to sleep at the foot of the tree. She did not look like one of the villagers and Olamiri found herself moving closer to the young girl. The girl laid on the floor and slept for a long time.

Oma stretched in order to change her sleeping position. She tried to continue sleeping but as she opened her eyes a little, she found a very beautiful woman staring down at her.

"Who are you?" Oma said in a sleepy mumur trying to register the woman's face.

Olamiri was shocked at this question- the girl could see her.

"Can you really see me?" She asked replying a question with another question.

"Obviously, I can see you." Oma replied as she looked at the woman in astonishment because she thought the woman was asking a funny question.

"I'm Olamiri," Olamiri said wondering how a mortal could see her.

"Okay, Olamiri. How may I help you and how did you find me here? Has the portal already been found?" Oma asked in a

rush cutting Olamiri short.

"I'm the guardian of the portal and the portal cannot be found ordinarily unless by a person that is already bestowed with my powers." Olamiri explained to Oma.

"Why don't you just give your powers to somebody so that the portal would be found and that would save everyone from stress." Oma said.

"See, my powers can not just be given to anyone. The people here would use them for selfish purposes other than just finding the portal and performing the appeasement sacrifice." Olamiri tried explaining to the young Oma who was just visiting the village for the very first time.

"Find someone that wouldn't disappoint you and give it to the person. I'm sure that there are still some good people in this village." Oma said.

"I know that there are good people but what happens when these good people are influenced by others. There was the story of a man who was good and was given the power to find the portal at this kind of situation. That man wanted to do the right thing but his evil wife who wanted wealth lured and told him to use the power for their own financial purposes. Do you know what happened to the man and the guardian of the portal at that time?" Olamiri asked an interested Oma.

"No, I do not know what happened after." Oma said impatiently wanting to hear the end of the story.

"The spirits were furious and they strucked the man dead with thunder. The guardian of the portal at that time was put in prison and I was made guardian after."

"Wow, that was tragic. No wonder you have been asking me if I could see you." Oma said in wonder.

"Yes, and I have a request to make." Olamiri asked Oma.

"Okay, what is it?" Oma asked inquiringly.

"Would you agree if I was to give you of my powers." Olamiri requested in an absurd manner. Spirits never requested, they only possess and use people. She thought Oma was a special being.

"Well, I might be coerced by someone and do the wrong thing." Oma tried refusing.

"No, I trust you and that's why I am asking you." Olamiri said placing her hand on Oma's hand and in a flash, she disappeared.

Oma wondered why she was given this Herculean task. She wasn't even an indegene of this village and she was asked to save them. She looked into her hand and saw a green orb of light. The orb moved and she followed until she got to a kind of portal. She entered saying in her mind that she would pay any sacrifice to save this people. Little did she know that she was paving her way into immortality and for that, she was the sacrifice and that she was simply possessed by the green orb that led her to a place where she would never be found again.

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