The Talking Drum


Antoni Shkraba
The Talking Drum

Michael, who has been talkative of the truth, was becoming so calm just because of what he was told his friend said to him in his absence. He has been so quiet for some time now without saying a word to anyone during the party.

In his mind, it kept on ringing as a sign of shock as he has been with his friend, Basit for so long now. "At least he is supposed to have known the kind of person I'm. He is supposed to know that I'm not the type who loves keeping quiet but always tells the truth which makes people see me as talkative."

It happened when Michael was invited to a long-awaited party. This party was to mark his friend's dad's 70th birthday. When they got to the venue, Michael helped his friend with the major arrangements as Basit is his best friend since childhood. After the arrangements, Michael decided to sit just to have a little rest when their other friends came in. Meanwhile, all the friends began to argue about who is the most talkative among their cliques.

Emmanuel has been the only one who has a mind of fear and cannot talk in people's presence instead would talk about what he did not do. He praises you when you are present but says bad things about you when you are absent.

Emmanuel was about to say something so bad about KC but kept quiet immediately he held his voice. We all knew what he was about to say but could not say anything to him. "It is better he let it out than questioning him for what he has not said.

The argument begins and to be sincere, I never believe my eyes that my best friend, Basit can be so drawn in thought to wash me down. Michael said while in deep thought.

In the process of arguing, Michael's phone rang. It was his dad who was calling. There was something he was supposed to have completed at home before coming to the party that he could not accomplish. He took an excuse from his friends just to go meet up with his dad. He was to come back to the party dressed because he was not initially dressed up. So, he left home to attend to his dad.

After accomplishing or attending to his dad, he dressed up and went to the party. His friends had gathered again but this time in the absence of Basit. Emmanuel immediately brought out the topic of what they had discussed in Basit's absence. He called Michael separately just to download what they had said when he was not around.

Thank God you were not around or else you would have fought with your best friend. He said things that can make you go crazy. He could not protect your image instead say what could get you angry.

Michael was angry after hearing these words from Emmanuel. The party became boring to him and was feeling uncomfortable. Each time he sees Basit coming, he would throw his face away just to avoid being angered the more. He was so surprised to have heard all these words and was even more for his best friend to have said these words.

Michael uncomfortably made him reject the food he was given. He just wanted to clear the air before making himself comfortable.

Meanwhile, Basit was observing. He noticed that Michael would have come to him just to help him with some things instead of sitting watching him. He observed that Michael was just quiet and walked to him.

What is the problem, Michael? It is unlike you leaving me to do all these things without helping me out and at the same time sitting quietly just as if something terrible had happened.

Before he finished saying something terrible, Michael picked it up and replied immediately that

"Of course, something terrible happened." You have broken the trust I had for you. I was thinking you could protect my image anytime any day as you know the kind of person I'm. Before now you should know that I always told the truth and cannot keep quiet just to allow the truth to be disappointed or punished. Why did you say what you said to others when I had gone home?

Basit was so surprised to hear it as Michael sounded so strange.

I can't understand anything you are saying. What have I said that could wrong you.?

You told others that I was a bad fellow and that I was the type who loves talking too much. It means you called me a talkative while the one with these qualities was among us.

It was so strange to Basit and with the look of things, Michael would have known that his best friend would not say something just like this to him, but to clear off his mind, he had to say let it out.

Oh….. so this was the reason you have failed to help me out right? Don't you trust me? Did you believe I could say something like this?

While arguing, Emmanuel observed and noticed that the argument was diverting from him, and so he absconded from the party.

After a serious argument, they had to search for KC just to clear the air. Kc told them what they had said and was not something related to all that Emmanuel told Michael. KC said to Michael,

You would have known Emmanuel before now that he can destroy relationships. We are just managing him with us just because of what he had done for us some time ago or else he is not the kind of friend one could move with.

The doubt had been cleared and the two best friends settled. Basit had to call for one of the waiters to serve him food as he was hungry.

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