Disappointed and blessed

The phrase, "every disappointment is a blessing" is something I became fond of right from the time of high school. Whenever I'm feeling disappointed, I don't feel sober because I know that something better is on it's way.
During my first year in tertiary institution, we had a very strict and corrupt lecturer that took us further mathematics which was one of the toughest courses for us in that year. The Lecturer has bribery as a personality and he publicly boasts that no one will be able to pass his course without the person's name on his loyal list.

He would come to class and shabbily run through the courses just for him to make it more difficult for us because he needed us to sort him with money.
The worst thing is that the school management find it hard to stop his bribery act due to his high profile in the school, the only means he could get stopped is to be caught red-handed collecting money for marks. But who's going to do that? Who's going to video him? A student dare not unless the career of that student is read to be quenched.

At the middle of the first semester, we had a test(A continuous assessment) and just like we predicted, the questions came out tough and unsolvable, we couldn't answer anything.

He didn't waste time in marking the booklets, so he returned the script(marked booklets) the following day and everyone got zero.

"Now that you've seen your scores, the only remedy left is to put your name in my loyal list" He announced as he left the class, leaving everyone of us murmuring in anger.

A lot of the class members were very okay with adding their names of the loyal list while just a few percent of us refused to dance to the tune of the Lecturer.

I met one of my friends that also refused to add his name on the loyal list and suggested some steps we need to take,
"Since we lost 30marks on the test, we need to buckle up to do well in exam in order to meet up with the required 50 marks out of the 70 marks remaining"

"Yes, that's what we need to do but my fear is that, what if he brings that kind of question he gave us on test in this upcoming exam? It's not going to be easy to pass at all" my friend suggested his opinion and we agreed to just prepar for anything possible.

To be honest, fear took over our minds because 30marks was lost already and we don't know the possibility of getting 50 marks in the upcoming exam to pass the course.
Meanwhile, our classmates were going to this lecturers office to sort him with $15 just for their names to be added to the good book of record.

The exam day came and we wrote to battle for 50marks out of 70marks. He made the questions more tougher than the first test and everyone of us frowned and hated the man for his wicked act.

Exam ended and some of our classmates began to sort again with $20 this time around.

Those of us that refused to sort him became hopeless, we knew it's failure that was waiting for us because we had lost 30marks earlier and the exam that we were supposed to get 50marks was tougher than the test.

There was nothing we could do, we just left everything to the hands of God.

God being so kind, one of the students video recorded this Lecturer while collecting money for sorting, this video got to the school department and this Lecturer was suspended Instantly.

The exam that he made tough for everyone was checked by the school management and they decided to pass everyone because they saw that it was too too tough for us to pass...he set what he didn't teach.

The almost a closed door, opened up to another blessing.

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