Summer Rain || The Ink Well Prompt #69

Justin woke up to the music of rain. It was yet another excuse for him to snuggle in his blanket and fall into reveries as it was bucketing down outside. Justin could hear his mom throwing curses at the rain for its early and unexpected arrival because she had two more sacks of chillies to dry in the sun.
How odd people can be at times, Justin thought to himself. The other day his mom almost cried for rain as she was drenching in her own sweat. And today, she is cursing the rain for its early and unexpected arrival. But why are people like this? He asked rhetorically.

Justin is someone who wholeheartedly welcome the rain, be it early or not. He believes that rain is for every mood. He often go out and dance in the rain to shake off depression; he do the same to celebrate happiness (till his mom comes with whatever she grabs on the way and call him names though).

To justin's resentment, the rain started receding as if it was scared of his mom’s curses.

“Oh, C’mon dear rain! Don’t be so chicken-hearted. Please come again, cheer me up,” justin pleaded.

Filled with an energy hebstill don't know where it came from, Justin decided to step out, surviving the customary curses from his mom for idling his time away in bed. Truth be told, the normal Justin would have stayed in bed till God knows when, but today something dragged him outside to explore the glimpses of rain.

The air casted a certain spell on him and he enjoyed the phenomenal beauty of flowers basking in the long lingering petrichor and leaves festooned with tiny drops. Justin jumped in the puddles causing mud splashes all over his dress. He kept asking himself where the energy he used in jumping up and down under the rain came from, but he just couldn't come up with an answer for this question.
He went ahead to shake the rain off the trees. He made paper boats. All were evocative of the past. Suddenly, he had an irresistible desire to motor down to his childhood to relive all those memories and re-indulge in all those silly yet merrymaking activities.

Ah, Childhood! You took your bail, leaving me to wail were the words of Justin as he continued relieving his childhood memories. He wish he had the chance of revisiting the joys of his young days. Sadly, here he was, standing mercilessly at the sheer impossibility of bringing those days back. But on the brighter side, he believed that reminiscing the gayness of his childhood would, undeniably, help cope with the emptiness of his adulthood.

Maybe that’s why it rained today to fill his parched soul and to take him for a momentary respite from the ennui of life; to invoke the ephemeral moments for an eternal happiness.

This is my entry for the inkwell prompt #69. Click HERE to be a part of it.

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