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Walking home from escorting Mom to the junction, I don't anticipate spending the night alone. But she needs to attend her vigil at church and I don't really like those.

"Remember to pray before you sleep." She always says that each time and yet, I've never once listened to or done what she said.

The street leading up to the house, a small two bedroom cabin, is dark save for my flashlight. There was a powercut but they said it'll only be for a few hours. I catch a glimpse of Mrs. Cherry, our distant neighbor, walking up her front door.

Situated in the woods, I love the sense of belonging I have with nature but during times like these, I hate it. The darkness crawling up my skin makes me pick up pace.

The wood on the porch creaks lightly reminding me that we have to fix it. I make a mental note and get into the house, shutting the door behind me. I quickly find the lamp and turn it on using the lighter that's always in my pocket. I mean, I thought I'd be watching Queen Charlotte tonight. But I guess not. I should have probably just followed Mom but the last thing I want to hear is the talk about hell and sinners. I make a detour for the kitchen, taking the last bite of chocolate before heading for my room, licking my fingers.

My bedroom has to be the most boring part of this house. Plain and just…plain. A bed, a wardrobe and a coffee table. That's it. I should add some decorations but I get lazy.

I lie down and prop my feet on the bed, phishing out my phone; I remembered to charge it earlier today. I have a voice message from Lillian,

"Hey Vivian. Are you coming to the bon fire?"

Ugh! I totally forgot but that's probably because I wasn't planning on going anyway. Too much crowd and too much pressure. Lillian used to prefer being with me but I guess she wants the popular crowd now. I quickly type a message of an apology I don't feel and proceed to stalk YouTube. I should catch up on America's Got Talent.

A faint noise outside my door has me pausing the video. The lamp flickers on my table. I should have closed my window. When did the wind pick up and how long have I been in this position? A glance at my phone says it's almost eleven.

I proceed to shut the window but halt when I see what seems to be a shadow. I can vaguely make a head popping out from behind a tree but I'm not sure. In the dark, these woods can lie. I slam my windows shut and go back to bed, resuming my video. My phone chimes again with another message from Lillian. It's a photo of her and Jake Beward. Quarter back and the most annoying jock in the history of jocks. Yep. There goes our friendship.

The lamp flickers again and goes out.

"Oh come on!" I mutter outloud. I reach for my pocket but the lighter isn't there. Typical. Must have left it in the living room. I turn on my flashlight and go to retrieve it. A gust of air hits me when I swing my door open.

"Jesus." I mutter, wondering what's with the sudden temperature drop. The lighter is sitting on the small stool where we place the lamp for easy retrieval. I turn to head back to my room but notice the windows open. I thought I locked it before leaving the house...

That train of thought ends quickly because I'm walking to the window to lock it. Again. When I turn around, my heart lurches. Something or someone just ran towards my room. My feet halts, my blood roaring in my ears. I must be seeing things. I shake my head and return back to my room, shutting the door behind me and…going still as I stare at my open windows.

My breath catches in my throat, my heart racing. My phone pings on the bed. A distraction. Good. I don't want to think right now. I pick it up and it's a message from Lillian. A cryptic one.

"P…your door."

"What?" I text back. She doesn't respond. I drop my phone into my pocket and take tentative steps to my window. The wind from it caresses my skin but unlike other times, this one makes me feel really uncomfortable. Slowly, I stalk to the window…and scream bloody murder when someone suddenly appears in front of me. I land on my ass and push myself backward, trying but failing to get up as the trespasser climbs in.

He or she is covered from head to toe in black, the knife in their hand glinting promises of pain. I turn and push myself up, but get pulled back by their hand on my leg forcing me to land on my back facing them. I scream, my voice cracking as panic climbs my being. They lift the knife and then the power comes on.

I'm assaulted by the bright light and so is the assailant because they drop my leg and cuss. The voice is awfully familiar.

"Lillian…?" I say, resting on my elbows looking up in shock. A burst of laughter has me turning to my door. Jake. He's bent over and laughing so hard his ribs must be on fire. Lillian joins him.

I scurry to my feet, weary and perplexed, "what the hell is going on here?"

"You should have heard yourself," he says and then begins to mock my screams. Lillian is bent over laughing too, the knife falls out of her grip and onto the floor. I look at my friend feeling betrayed.

"Was this a prank?!" I don't mean for my voice to go high but it does.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't want to but Jake is such a genius with his plans."

The culprit gives me a loopy smirk, his hands tucked in his pockets. I turn to my friend who's now looking unsure. She should.

"Well I'm glad I could satisfy both your cravings. Now get out of my house."

Lillian's face falls, "Vivian. I'm sorry, I didn't mean–"

"Oh, can it!" Jake interrupts, "if she wants to be so stuck up, let her. Don't get why you stick with her anyway. Come on. Let's go." He stretches his hand and my friend and I stare each other in the eye for a while.

I don't know why this feels like she gets to choose but it does. I wait, heart in my stomach, for her response. We've been friends since elementary school. Her eyes bounces between I and Jake. And I know. I immediately know who she's chosen.

"Go." I tell her. Her eyes dim a little but then she nods and leaves with the jock. I stand in my room a little teary eyed as I stare at the knife lying there.

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