A picture with the date

Everything used to be perfect, well almost perfect.
There was a point in time when you didn't need to know us to know we were in love.
You could feel it from a distance.

I stared at the woman in front of me.
Where did it all go wrong?
"Nicholas, are you listening to me?"
I snapped out of my reverie. Ten years later and she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

Why did we argue so much?, why did every conversation end with yells and slammed doors?, I wondered.
"You are doing it again. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you stand there, staring into space. Nothing I do is important to you. You forget everything that's important to me".

"I don't. I'm sorry about your birthday. I just had a lot on my mind".
"It's not just the birthday, it's everything else. You don't know what day our anniversary is. I'm sure you don't even remember the date we met".


"Of course, I do. It was in September. I mean August".
"You really don't remember the day we met?"
I looked at my wife, the tears already forming in her eyes and my heart broke.
What was wrong with me?

"Where are you going Nicole?"
"I'm going to stay over at my sister's place for a while. Don't call me. Don't text me. I need space. Maybe if I'm gone, you'll finally remember the important things and if I'm one of them, then come find me".

I stood rooted in my position as I stared at her retreating back. The door opened and slammed shut, leaving me with the emptiness echoing in the wall.
How could I forget the date we met?

The pictures, all scattered, glared at me. Nicole had a thing for pictures and each picture that was taken had a date at the back of it.
So we won't forget the days that matter most to us, her voice echoed in my head.

There was a picture for the day we met. I just had to find it among the five thousand pictures in front of me.
I began searching, the first day went by, so did the second and then the third.

On the fourth day, a picture caught my eye. Nicole had ice cream on her nose and I smiled down at how cute she was. I turned the picture.

May 1st, 2005
"Nicholas, can we get some ice cream?"
I sighed as I looked down at her, "Nicole you already had five chocolate bars, that's enough sugar for today".
She pouted and I knew I couldn't say no. I was already hopelessly in love with her".
We got the ice cream and in her haste to beat me in finishing it, some had gotten on her nose. I smiled at her and in the next moment, someone shoved a picture in my hand and said, "you two are beautiful together"

I opened my eyes, where had all the love gone?
I kept searching. Another picture came into view. I picked it up.
Nicole rolled her eyes while I stood at the side flexing my muscles. I turned it.

February 14th, 2008
"Touch them. Aren't they huge?", I said as I tried to flex my muscles.
"Unfortunately Nicholas, they are nonexistent".
I chased her around while she screamed, finally I caught up with her and I made her admit that my muscles were huge. My mother came out with a camera and said, "Flex them for me baby" and I did

Three more days went by and finally I found the picture. Nicole smiled broadly at the camera, all her teeth showing while I looked completely uninterested.
I turned the picture.
Quickly, I grabbed my phone and headed out.

Natasha opened the door for me with a glare. I guess I deserved it.
"She's in the back".
I walked slowly, my heart racing.

There she was, on the swing, the moonlight reflecting on her long black hair making it glow.
"I remembered the date".
She turned to me.

August 17th, 2000
"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?"
I looked up from the book I was reading. A pair of glasses stared back at me.
"Do you mind?"
I realized I hadn't spoken.
The girl sat down anyway, "I'm really sorry. I just have to study for my Bio test and I'm hungry. I didn't realize this place would be this packed"

I kept quiet. Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to make conversation. She went silent for about three minutes and then, "I'm Nicole by the way".
"What's your name?"
I raised my head, "Don't you have to study for your Bio test or something?"
"Sshhhh,you don't have to be so mean"

There was silence again.
An hour later, I stood up.
"Do you have a car?"
"I'm a freshman and I just turned seventeen. My parents won't let me own a car till I'm eighteen. So if you have a car, you can just drop me off".
"Drop you off where? I don't even know you".
"I'm Nicole and I'm a-"

"Excuse me, would you mind if I take a picture? It's for a magazine on college couples".
We both turned to look at a boy holding a camera.
I said, "We are not a couple" at the same time Nicole said, "Sure, why not".
So I was forced to take the picture

"You didn't tell me your name until two months later. You were so arrogant".
I laughed.
Silence filled the air then I said, "I'm really sorry Nic. I love you. I really do. I don't know what happened".

"Maybe you need me showing up at your dorm room with baked cookies".
"You were such a stalker".
"No. I liked you and I go after what I like. Can I tell you a secret?"
I nodded.
"There was an empty table that day. I just wanted to talk to you".

"I'm glad you did. Can we start over?"
She smiled.
"Hi I'm Nicole".
I smiled back, "Nicholas".
"Our names rhyme. You know what that means. We were made for each other".

"Eww. You two, get out of my house", Natasha said from the door.
Nicole laughed.

Whatever had changed, I was going to make it right. Do right by her.
I didn't have a picture but I marked the date in my head, July, 11th 2010 and I will never forget.

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