Breaking the cycle

Life doesn't go in a straight line. If there's one thing that's certain, it's that it has its ups and down. As humans that are privileged to exist under its reign, we have no choice but to obey its rules and go with the flow wherever life takes us.

One door closes and another opens.
I cannot possibly count the number of times doors have been closed in my face literally and figuratively.

Sometimes I sit back and think, am I just surrounded by bad luck?
Why does something work for others and when it's my turn, it becomes a complete failure.

I had this one friend, in fact I have written multiple stories about her that I've actually lost count.
Daydreaming is what I'd call a talent because I'm very good at doing it. I would dream and build a future with her included. I honestly didn't think I could exist without her.

She completed me. She was driven, eager to make it in the world and I used to be comfortable just going with whatever life threw at me.
It was supposed to be the two of us against the world and for a minute it was. But no matter what she did. No matter how much we tried together, nothing ever worked out.

Yes, there were super amazing times when we would exist in just the bubble we built around ourselves laughing into the night, exhibiting all forms of crazy. Those little moments when the harsh reality of the world couldn't get us. The good times.

And just because good cannot exist without bad, there were also times when the relationship became too toxic. I am not perfect, I make mistakes, a whole lot of them. If I was paid for each time I made a mistake I'd be competing with Elon Musk by now.

Sometimes it just got too much. Her drive to succeed was just overpowering. She would rope me into it and that made us do things that I absolutely regretted.

I wasn't like her. I wasn't satisfied with my life but I wasn't one to kill myself over my zeal to succeed.
I believed and I still do that everything has its time. As long as you put in legit efforts, things would work out for you.

In all honesty, I didn't think I could exist in the present or have a future without her.
I mentioned that our relationship was toxic, even best friends fight.

A recent fight happened. I thought to myself, "we will come back together", we always do. Just like how Maddy and Nate were.
That endless cycle that couldn't be broken. As it turned out, the cycle finally came to an end.

I loved her, I still do but sometimes I really hated my life with her.
A lesson I learnt is that some people are just meant to remain in your past. I was worried that life would be so much tougher without her but the truth is that it got much better.

A door closed on our friendship, which was really sad but in the process, numerous others have opened to people and opportunities that I wouldn't have bothered to take a chance with if I was still enclosed in the bubble we created around ourselves.

I will always love her. What we had isn't something that just goes away but there is a bigger picture, one she's not in, even though it's sad and I really do hope with the door of our friendship closed on her too, she finds happiness because in the end of it all.
We all just want you to be happy.

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