Overnight Mess

Have you ever seen a girl's room when she can't decide what to wear for an important occasion?
How scattered and messy it is?
Well we are going to quadruple that mess and that would be the perfect description of my life.

I will tell you how it started.
Like every normal day, I woke up, took my bath, brushed my teeth, put on my clothes, ate my breakfast like the dutiful girl that I was and then headed to school.

People say high school encompasses the hardest phase of your life but I didn't think that was true.
My best friend, Melody came rushing up to me.
"Andrea, did you hear? He is back".
My entire body stilled. I didn't need to ask who he was.

Like a devil's pawn being called, he appeared. I felt him before I saw him. He passed by without a single glance in my direction.
Jordan Walker. The boy who had plagued my dreams for as long as I could remember.

I got interrupted by someone wrapping his hands around my waist.
Dylan bent his head to give me a peck on my cheek. He was just so sweet.

I smiled at him,"Hey babe".
Melody made some choking noises then announced that she was going for class.
"So are you still down to check out the new coffee shop after school?".

In that very moment, his eyes clashed with mine. His silver gray eyes looked through me as if he was staring right into my soul.
"Babe, did you hear what I said?"
I blinked snapping out of the spell, "Yes. Coffee shop. School. Got it. Gotta get to class".
I gave him a quick peck then rushed off.

I took a sit in class, glad to be away from him then I heard Mr Jameson's voice.
"I'm sure you all remember Jordan. Do well to make him feel welcomed back".
Great, it was just my luck

He took the sit behind me.
Few minutes into the class,my body stilled again when he spoke, "Congratulations on the new boyfriend".
I ignored him.

Class finally ended and I rushed out. I had to get a grip.
It was written somewhere, I can't recall where that we come in twos.
Jordan would be my other.
From the first day I met him all alone in the park swinging so high.

I had asked him when he reached the ground why he wasn't scared to fall.
He said, "Because, if I fall. I know I flew first".
I was only six and I didn't understand until years later when I thought I wouldn't survive the cancer.

He showed me that I shouldn't be scared to live. Then he taught me how to live. He was my ride or die for ten years.
Then one day I woke up and he was gone.

I moved on with my life. I will always be grateful to Melody. She stood by me then Dylan came along, the perfect remedy to my syndrome.
Two months later, we started dating.

Everything was fine again, the cancer was gone, I had a best friend, a boyfriend and a good life.
Why did he have to come back?
"I have told you D, you need to stop overthinking life".
I hated that I loved how he called me D
My head snapped upwards, "Stay away from me Jordan".
I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm.

Don't ever let anyone fool you. The butterflies do exist. I drew my hand away and ran off.
School finally ended. I waited outside for Dylan.
I waited until my legs got tired.
Did he forget?

Dylan was the most efficient person I knew, always remembered the important days like anniversaries and birthdays.
I went back into the building to look for him.

I headed straight for the locker room. I had barely entered when I heard Melody's voice whispering harshly, "You said you were going to be up with her today".
Dylan sighed, "I know. I got distracted. We are supposed to meet for coffee. I'll do it there".
"I'm tired of being your secret. A year is long enough".
A year?

Just add three months and that's how long we had been dating. I couldn't take it anymore so I stepped out.
The look on their faces deserved to be on caught on camera.
I ran, I heard Dylan shout my name but I didn't stop.
As if the sky could feel my pain, it started to pour.

My phone started ringing. I stared at the screen.It was my Doctor.
I picked up to call.
I heard him say alot of things but the only one I picked up was, " I'm sorry Andrea, but the cancer is back".
My life was perfect just yesterday, how did it become a mess overnight?

I walked into the rain. I wanted to scream or cry. I didn't know what to do so I just fell to the ground wishing the rain would wash away my pain.
Someone hugged me from behind, " It's going to be fine D. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere".
I cried into Jordan's chest, "You left me before".
"I'm sorry".

He raised my head, silver gray eyes pierced me then he smiled, "This is something I should have done a long time ago".
He bent his head and kissed me. The rain came down heavier as if it was applauding us.
A kiss under the rain. I was definitely ticking that off my bucket list.

"You are going to be fine. I promise".
I nodded because in that moment I believed him.
I wasn't a god, I couldn't do anything to Dylan or Melody. I only hoped Karma would pay them back and as for the cancer, I would fight it.
And I'd beat it again as long as Jordan kept his promise and never left my side.

I stared into his eyes and I knew he wouldn't.

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