Running out of roses

Have you ever been so broken to a point of no return?. Like your whole being has been shattered in a million tiny pieces, scattered around without a trace?
That was what happened when he left me.

I fell in love with him the very first time I saw him. I just an average little ten year old girl going about life when he came crashing into my world.
He became my best friend, someone I couldn't live without, I existed in his essence alone.
Unlike the typical cliche stories, where the best friend gets rejected, he chose me.

We were going to face the world together.
"I'll be with you till the end of time", those were the words he said to me the first time he kissed me.
He lied.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. Maybe it's as clear as glass because it's a day that comes reoccurring whenever I close my eyes.
I had only being eighteen. Everything was in place.
"I'll come for you tonight my love. Wait for me at the balcony", he whispered to me kissing my lips softly.

He never came. At midnight, I waited everyday for the next two years. Kylan never came back for me.
Instead I got an invitation to his wedding to my sister three years later.

The only man that I had ever loved and a sister who I could have given my life betrayed me, ruining me beyond repair.
I never let anyone in after that.
I built a thousand walls, each with a door that was to remain forever locked.

"Miss Lily, are you okay?"
I blinked snapping out of my reverie.
One of my students stood staring back at me.
Could she see it, how broken I was?
I plastered a fake smile on my face, "Of course honey. What did you need?".

"Nothing really. You just looked really sad and my Dad said you look beautiful when you smile".

"I'm fine Nicole", smiling bigger.
She nodded and skipped over to her sit.
I looked around at my ten year old students. They were all laughing and playing without a care in the world. What I'd give to go back in time.

The day finally ended and as I packed up my things to go, something fell out of my book.
I bent down, picked it up.
It was a letter and it smelled like roses. My favorite.
I opened it and it read;

Roses are red, violets are blue, I try not to but I can't stop thinking about you.

I frowned. Whatever sort of joke this was, I definitely was not in the mood. I squeezed the paper, throwing it in the trash.
As it turned out, that was the first of many.
The next day I got another, this one came with a rose left on my table before I arrived.

As I pick a rose for you, I can't help but feel my love for you is true

I had almost laughed at that one. Love was nothing but a menace. It would make you give everything you had, suck and take until you had nothing more to give and then it would leave you all drained and dried up.

The letters came everyday. I tried to find out who was leaving them but it was to no avail.
After a while, I started keeping them.
I even had some quotes that I secretly liked.

Roses are said to symbolize love, so with a bouquet for you, my love is what I'll silently convey.
Her classroom had been filled with bouquets of roses that day.


Through the sweet smell of roses and the beauty they hold, I find myself drawn to you and your heart of gold.

Days turned into weeks, then weeks into months. Then suddenly, they stopped coming.
Maybe he had forgotten. They always forgot about me but still like always, I waited but I never got another letter.

I was sitting at my desk, grading some papers when Nicole walked up to me then placed a single rose on my table.
I looked up at her and she smiled, "I'm sorry the letters stopped coming. My Dad travelled for work".

Her Dad, I thought. I had only met the widowed billionaire once and we had barely spoken.

To say I was surprised was an understatement.
She continued, "Your smile doesn't reach your eyes and I thought of ways to make you smile for real so I asked my Dad to help me write the first note because a girl from a movie it saw and smiled real big when she got a note like that".

"It was just supposed to be one but after that day he gave me another to give to you and everyday after that".

She handed me a letter, stepped forward and placed a kiss on my cheek then whispered, "I think my Dad has a crush on you", before turning and going back to her sit.
I opened it.

Roses are red, violets are blue, meet me underneath the bell tower, I will be waiting for you.

I took an excuse and ran out of the classroom. I heard Nicole giggling behind.
He stood there, Adrian Parker, looking like God's perfect creation.

I smiled shyly, "Hey".
He smiled,"Would you like to get coffee with me?"
I nodded and that was the beginning.

Slowly, he found my pieces and placed them back. Found a key I didn't know existed anymore and unlocked all the door and now I wake up everyday with a smile of my face and a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter by my side.

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