Giving love another chance.



"I don't believe in superstars
Organic food and foreign cars
I don't believe the price of gold
The certainty of growing old
That right is right and left is wrong

That north and south can't get along
That east is east and west is west
And being first is always best

But I believe in love…" I was slowly falling in love with the lyrics of Don Williams' "I believe in you" until I heard him say "but I believe in love". I rolled my eyes at that particular line because love is the last word I wanted to hear. I imagined love to be something simple, something sweet, something that makes people feel good. But it seems like luck was just not on my side or is it my fate to always meet frogs?

Something tells me true love exist and though life has given me lot's of reasons not to believe this, I'm still holding unto this belief.

Austin's drama is the reason for all these sadness. Thinking about it makes me feel terrible so I'll pause here and catch my breath. I'm Becky and this is part of my life chronicles.

I have decided to relocate to my aunt's house up north. That's like 13 hours drive away from where I stay. A part of me wants to say bye to Austin but I don't need more guy drama so I'm just going to leave.

Austin has been the most disciplined and amazing male friend I've ever had but a crisis arose when I got him a cake for his birthday and his girlfriend came insulting me saying I'm trying to steal her man. I was so embarrassed and confused. I just wanted to do a little thing for Austin for all the kindness. He's done greater things for me compared to a cheap birthday cake. Well scratch that. My bags are packed and I'm leaving for the airport first thing tomorrow morning.

Next Morning

Mrs Wills my neighbour, Bella and Nicky - her children and Lisa my childhood friend help me take my things into a waiting van.

"You're really doing this," asked Mrs Wills.

"Yes ma, it's very necessary" I reply sadly.

"You'll be missed, greatly" she says and engulfs me in a warm hug.

"I'll miss you, Aunt Becky," Bella says.
"Me too" says Nicky.

They both join their mother and hug me too. "I'll miss you two so much, be good children to mum, okay?"

"Okay" they chorus.

Lisa steps down from the veranda where she was watching us.
"Girl, I'll miss you so much," she says.
"I'll miss you much more" I reply honestly.
"Listen, I hate that you're leaving but it would be selfish of me to ask you to stay. I understand why you're doing this. If you ever need me, just call okay?"
I just nod because I'm too emotional to say anything. Lisa envelopes me in a tight hug and I hug her too, blinking away my tears. I say bye to everyone and hop into the van.

At The Airport

I'm done checking in and I have an hour before my flight leaves so I go to the waiting hall and take a seat. I'm engrossed in my phone when I spot someone's shoes in front of me. I look up, only to come face to face with a dejected looking Austin.

"You were just going to leave just like that?'" he asked.

"Aus...tin… I… what.. are you here?" I stammer.
"How did you even know I'll be… wait, it's Lisa right?" I used my palm to rub my forehead. A habit I adopted each time I was frustrated.

"Really? That's how it is now?" He asked.

"Austin, don't make it look like it's all my fault. Like I just woke up and started acting up." At this point my anger had started building.

"It's your girlfriend who humiliated me and I have to change my environment to escape the shame. Where did I go wrong? All I did was try to do something small for you for once! Have you thought of how hurt and pained I must be?"

As I spoke and spoke my heart beat rapidly and it felt like my spirit was dancing in the flow of its rhythm. With tears in my eyes I kept reminding Austin of all the things I've gone through because of him. How he kept giving me the greenlight and just when I started liking him, he changed because he had a girlfriend and he wouldn't tell me about it.
Austin just kept staring sadly as I went on and on. I felt so relieved after letting everything off my chest.

"I broke up with her," he said.

"You what?!!" I asked obviously very shocked

"I have loved you for so long Becky. Back then you were so young and you didn't seem to like me. I felt you were always pushing me away. I asked her out to forget about you and that's when you started liking me but it was too late. I couldn't just break her heart. I thought the feeling would go away after a while but seeing how strong you are, how beautiful and hardworking, how kind and the maturity you show in every situation I kept loving you even more. What my girlfriend did, my ex I meant to say was the last straw. I knew I had to fight for you or I'll lose you for life" He paused here to catch his breath.

"Wow" that's all I could say. It's unbelievable that Austin left his 3 years relationship for me. Was this for real?

"Becky, I love you. I want to be with you. I know it may be hard to convince you because you've been through a lot and it's hard to build trust again but please give us a chance."

I couldn't believe it. Tears just rolled down my eyes.

"No, don't cry," said Austin. He wiped my tears with his palms and Drew me close for a tight hug. I couldn't help it, I hugged him back and cried some more.



"Look at me," he said.

"Everything will be fine, I assure you. I'll let you go because you need the space to get over all the drama but we'll talk. Every blessed day and slowly we'll figure this out. Let's give love a chance, okay?"

"Okay I nodded."

"I love you"

And with that he leaned in and kissed me slowly.
I kissed him back, passionately, hungrily…

The End.


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