
Standing in the centre of the study, he admired his father's taste of books and his continuous thirst for knowledge. He strolled round the antique table which was adjacent the entrance rolling his fingers on the table. With the windows closed, the lamb dimly lit and the sun creeping in through the window blinds and reflecting off the tiled floor, it gave the room a dreamy feeling of comfortability. In a moment, Mike was tempted to change his mind about his purpose for coming to his father.

Just as he was still thinking on how to approach the matter with his father without ruining their relationship, his father walked in looking crisp and surprised. Mike understood his father's surprise and gave him a wry smile in an effort to douse his surprise.

"Good morning dad" Mike greeted "you look 30" he teased

"Good morning son. You know I try my best for my wife" his father replied as he winked playfully at his son

Both laughed and exchanged more pleasantries. With the atmosphere calm and friendly, Mike decided to let his father know the reason he had called on his father this early when he should have been on his way to work.

"Dad, the real reason I called on you this morning is because I want to tell you something" Mike started

"what is it son? " his father asked looking worried

"I'm resigning dad" Mike blurted out

"what?" his dad queried looking aghast

"dad I always told you that I have passion for the arts. I want to pursue a career in it"

"but I always told you that you can play around your passions while you still run the family business" his dad said in a bid to change Mike's mind.

Mike knew that engaging his father in this argument would be a futile attempt. He has had this conversation many times with his dad and his position is always the same. He believes that the arts is something that he can play with while the family business is the best real career that Mike can build on.

"you've been doing so well with the company. Look at the books, the company has grown in leaps and bounds since you took over. That is a sign that you were meant to do this" his father concluded

"I understand where you're coming from dad. Yes the company has grown, but I've been miserable." Mike complained "I have felt incomplete since I left my screenwriting job to take over the family's business. That's five years of unhappiness and I can't continue like this" Mike concluded as he hoped that his father would understand.

"but son......" his father ventured

"I'm sorry dad, but I've made up my mind" Mike interrupted

"fine then" his father replied looking dejected "but just know that your stipends from the company will be cut off, and you'll have to fend for yourself" he added as he stomped out of the room

Mike was sad as he had hoped that for once his father would understand and show some belief in him. He loved his father and still wanted to be close to him. But then he knew that he was on his own now as his father doesn't change his mind about such decisions.

As he was leaving the house, he met his dad in the living room still looking furious and disappointed.

"Dad I understand that you're looking out for me, but then I can't continue to live in your shadows for the rest of my life" Mike began
"you've done exceptionally well for us and I appreciate it, but I have to chart my own course, to create a shadow that will shade my future children just as you've done for me. I have to do this for me, but I need your blessings as well. Please try and understand with me please" Mike concluded looking teary.

His father not being able to contain the well of emotions that was swelling up in him, stood up and hugged his son, whispering into his ears "I bless you son, go and prosper". Mike gave his father a peck on the cheek and whispered back "I promise not to disappoint you or this family's name"

Then he walked out feeling energetic and happy, thinking "it's time to create my own shadow, my own way. A shadow that'll shade generations unborn"

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