
The times was green and the weather was favorable for a beautiful and bountiful harvest. It was a good and fruitful period for my people. Our ground was fertile and peace and companionship reigned among the indigenes.

I came from royalty, living an honest and simple life among my people. Nobody was considered greater than the other and we all lived in harmony.

That was until my elder brother Odubo and his people decided that their large expanse of greenery along with their perceived civilization wasn't enough and the primitive fruits of the underdeveloped people of Dako village was what was missing in their greed infested armoury.

Unprovoked, Odubo marched into our territory, threatening and intimidating our innocent citizens and scaring them away from their farms with their advanced looking weapons that looked like apparatus crafted in the future.

It wasn't the first time Odubo had tried to rile me up into a fight by attacking my people. It's his way of trying to pay me back for taking his rightful place. Not that he was right though. It was more his fault that our father preferred me to him because of his brutal and violent disposition."I needed to talk some sense to my brother", I thought.

I mean he's my brother and it can't be that bad. I believed that with the passage of time, and inevitable maturity, he would have learnt to respect me.

After all we were both now leaders of our respective communities after our dad decided to divide the community into two at his death to avoid a conflict between us.

Approaching his hut, it was evident that he was perhaps expecting me, or a my people. There was heavy presence of bloodthirsty looking soldiers fully armed and vigilant.

There were two chest-pumping at the entrance looking menacing and unwelcoming, one with less enthusiasm sitting by the tree that provided shade at the entrance and also served as one bar of the wooden gate.

"Obviously the messenger" I thought as I surveyed the surrounding area looking for probable threat. My brother can be unpredictable and it's his unpredictability that makes him dangerous.

I was led through the back of the house made of concrete, the roof looked shiny and the wall felt too smooth for anything we have ever seen in Dako community. It felt like we were living in the same vicinity, but then in different eras.

It was fascinating how they were so close, but still so far apart. Dako people eschewed the white man and saw him as a threat to its cultures and traditions, hence the unacceptance of its advances.

But Odubo was always the free-spirited one who was always openminded and curious. For a moment I wished my people would accept it so I could also get a house like this one.

"I have come to warn you about you about encroaching on our lands and demand the return of all the goods you stole from my people" I beckoned with all amount of authority I could muster.

"and who are you to demand anything of me? You little rat" Odubo retorted mockingly

"I'm not here to exchange insults with you Odubo" I frowned, trying as much as possible to exude authority and power. "I'm only to demand what's rightfully ours. Return it and we'll be on our way"

Odubo walked up to me, puffing at whatever it was that he was smoking, blowing the smoke right into my face

***"you can go to hell for all I care. I'm not returning anything" ***he snarled as he strutted off.

"you won't like the fire I will bring" I snapped back which was met with mocking laughter from him and his men

"do your worst boy" he replied without even turning back

"then I invoke ireke" I shouted without thinking twice of the decision.

That seemed to get his attention as he stopped abruptly and turned to face me again. Bearing down at me with eyes screaming of vengeance and thirst for blood, he accepted my challenge. That was when it dawned on me what I had just done.

Ireke was an ancient tradition between our people where the leaders of two communities in conflict battle, and whoever wins enslaved the other and his people. Everyone knew that Odubo was a better warrior than me and it would be a miracle for me to beat him. But now I had no choice than to perform that miracle as the fate of my people depended on it.

The day arrived and both communities gathered at the border between the two communities ready to cheer their own to victory. Dako people though they loved me knew I stood little chance. But still, they rolled their drums in support as if I was favourite to win.

The battle started with Odubo taunting me with jabs to the jaw, which I took in good faith, not because I had Jaws of steel, but because I just didn't know how to avoid them.

Then I decided to get clever in a bid to avoid some of the punches before I get worn out. In a bid to avoid a right hook, I ducked to my right, only to meet a straight shin to the chin. The hook was a decoy and I was out cold in seconds rolling helplessly on the floor.

I could faintly here mumbled cheers as I struggled to regain full consciousness. I couldn't afford to lose, Odubo would kill us as slaves if I dared lose. I'd rather die on the battle field.

Slowly I rolled and pulled up to my feet staggering. Knowing that he's got me by the ropes, Odubo rushed in to finish me off. This time around, I ducked the right hook and almost falling, I hooked his neck with my right hand, and that's where I noticed the opening.

Jumping on his back, I used my left hand to form a hook around his neck while both legs were strapped around his mid section.

Few seconds later, and Odubo was gasping for breath with hands flailing and feet staggering. Then he hit the floor and without being able to take anymore, he tapped out. I won. I had just won the great Odubo.

I could hear the relief in the uproar of my people. They did not believe it, but the miracle they had hoped for has just happened.

After the fight I could not enslave my brother and his people, but we made a pact that he must return all that they took from my people.

He and his people must go away from us never to interfere in our affairs again which he reluctantly accepted. Since then, Dako people has had peace with me Danko as their leader.

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