
Gini loves to think herself as the life of the party, that particular spark that triggers the real fun and buzz, and she usually refers to herself as the party rocker. She wouldn't consider anything else a party if she's not invited. That would be the gathering of some boring losers.

That's why her invite for the end of the year party was special and was hid in her locker in order to surprise her. She loved surprises, even when she knows about them beforehand.

She woke up on the morning of the party to find herself glowing as she scrutinized herself in front of the mirror. "the beauty sleep has done the trick" she thought of herself as she spins with the grace of a ballerina and walked towards her bathroom.

As she passed the small reading table beside her bed, she clicked on the little mp3 device on the table and it went into fits of "who run the world? Girl!, who run the world? Girls!". "you can replace that with Gina" she whispered to herself as she bounced and swerved into the bathroom.

When she came out of the bathroom, she could feel the warmth of the morning sun pouring into her room. Sliding on her slippers, she strolled to her mirror decorated with numerous little copies of herself. She stood there admiring her journey through school. Where others would consider themselves lucky, Gina saw herself as deserving.

She kept to a shrewd diet, exercised frequently, rehearsed her accent righteously and walked with a spring in her feet reminiscent of a beauty queen. All what she is now is as a result of her hard work and dedication. The only thing missing from her life was a gentleman to call her king.

The itinerary for the day had been set. First she'd go to her designer's to get her dress, then she'd visit the spa to get her manicures and pedicures tended to. Then she'd come back home and relax, doing nothing. One of the things she felt about being the life of the party is going to the party fashionably late. Let them get a taste of boredom, so they can appreciate the fun she brings.

Time swept by fast, and finally it was time for the queen to make her entrance. She slipped on her new dress, strapped on her high heels and wrapped up her hair with a rubber strap. Nope, she loosed it, "if I'm going out with a bang, I might as well go out with a swing" she thought.

As she stepped down from her taxi at the venue, there was a buzz just as she had thought. A few chit chats here and there and there with lots of glances of admiration. She could feel lots of eyes on her.

She felt the party was a bit dry and needed a bit of chatter and game to lighten up the place. Life of the party that she is, she volunteered to be the chatterbox, straying from table to table trying to gather people around and start a game.

She was enjoying the attention and obedience she was seemingly getting from everyone including Gab who seemed unable to take his eyes off her since she arrived. Her head was spinning and she thought this might just be the night she crowns all her achievements with a king that she really admires, but who have before now been too dumb to notice.

Then she felt a tap on her shoulders, turning around she found herself uncomfortably close to Gab. Almost lost for breath and about to flash him a smile of assent, the next thing she heard was

"I'm sorry Gini, but no one wants to play this stupid game of yours" Gab blurted

"why not" Gini stammered, shocked

"because we're tired of you always trying to order us around like we're small kids and behaving like you're better than the rest of us" Gab delivered the final blow

Gini was speechless and as she scanned the room, she noticed that the numerous eyes of adulation had turned to that of scorn and they were even silently spurring Gab on to say more.
"you can't let your chin down Gigi" she thought to herself as she performed one of her dramatic ballerina-esque spins and walked out of the room.

"they're all just losers who don't appreciate excellence. As for Gab, to hell with him. I'll see better boys in college" she thought as she tried to convince herself while boarding a taxi home.

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