The Miracle of Lila


Lila woke up everyday wondering what her life was going to metamorphose into and what her life could have possibly been had she not been born blind. Despite her blindness, Lila was a happy and curious child who loved to explore the world around her. She would often wander through a secret path created by her in a field near her home, using her other senses to navigate and discover new things.

It was just an ordinary day like every other day when Lila came across a strange plant that she had never felt before in the bush. The plant had a rosy shape, velvety feel and a scent that seemed to attract butterflies . Lila was intrigued by the plant and decided to investigate further. As she reached out to caress the flower, a strange thing happened. Suddenly, Lila could see! She was amazed by the beauty of the world around her, which she had never been able to see before.

At first it seemed like many of the dreams she'd been having, conjure from his mind out of the abundance of thoughts about the world that has plagued her over the years. The dancing bright sky which she had been told by her mom since birth began to impress on her the realities of her situation. Finally Lila can see.

As she scanned her surrounding, Lila quickly realized that a red, velvety and scented flower was responsible for her newfound vision. She picked the flower and brought it back home to show her parents. Shocked and amazed at the same time by what had happened to their daughter they immediately set out to find more of the red flowers so that they could determine the workings of its power and make a medicine that would help others who were blind.

The news of Lila's miraculous recovery spread quickly throughout the land, and soon many people came to her home to ask for treatment. The medicine became the go-to medicine in all the land and its neighboring communities, with people from all over the land and beyond trooping into Lila's home to be treated of their blindness, and many of them were able to regain their vision.

As time passed with the miraculous flower and its effectiveness, Lila and her family became known as the healers of the land, with Lila as the prized jewel of the community. She was used as reference point to other children as a perfect example of persistence and grace. grew into a beautiful young woman, but she never forgot the day and circumstance with which she first regained her sight. She always kept the first red flower that she had found close to her heart, as a reminder of the wonderful gift that she had been given.

Lila went on to devote her life to tendering the garden of the red healing flower and motivation, all in a bid to help others regain their vision both physically and otherwise. She began to travel to different lands, sharing her knowledge of the red flower and the medicine that her family had created. Lila helped many people regain their vision and was known as a true miracle worker. She lived a long and fulfilling life, always remembering the day when she first saw the world in all its beauty.

The red flower that she had discovered became known as the "Lila flower" and it was said that whoever possessed one of these flowers would always have the gift of sight. And so, the legend of Lila's vision lives on.

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