Silent prayers//The inkwell writing prompt

Mr. & Mrs. Rufus became worried as the festive period approached. They were poor and had little to eat. They couldn't afford to buy clothes or toys for their children. They had promised the children clothes in the last celebration but ended up not fulfilling the promises, the more Mrs. Rufus thought of this, the more she became disturbed. She wanted her children to look like other kids, if not for everyday, at least on that special day.

"Mum, My friend's mum just bought him a beautiful dress, it has sparkles all over. That's the type of dress I want" James, a 10 year old, told his mum.

"I will get one for you, Santa will deliver it to you a day before Christmas" she told him. She knew that was not true but didn't want him to feel bad. Since there are about 16 days until Christmas, she hoped a miracle would happen.

"What are we going to do?" Mrs. Rufus asked Rufus "Looking at the fact that we have no money nor do we have a person to borrow from"

"I don't know, let's just hope a miracle will happen" He replied.

"A miracle,? That's what you said last year and there was no sign of one. I hate to see my children looking like orphans when they still have parents". She retorted.

"You know how tough we are battling to have two meals in a day, you know it's not my fault. I have been trying so hard, My friends are also complaining, we can only believe that God will send something or someone somewhere to answer our silent prayers". Rufus said.

Mrs. Rufus turned to the other side of the bed with her back facing his direction and sobbed softly. She didn't know how to start believing.


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Six days to Christmas and no miracle seems to be coming forth. James had told his friends Santa would deliver his sparkly clothes and his friends couldn't wait to see the dress.

"Mum, my friends were happy to know Santa will deliver my dress a day before Christmas" James told her.

"Yes, yes, he will just pray to God that he makes provision for your parents" she said. She knew disappointing James this Christmas would really hurt him now that he had told his friends in school about his parents' promise and was eagerly waiting for that day to come. The thought of having to pass through Christmas with no clothes for James troubled her.

James went to his room and started to pray as advised by his mum.

"Lord, make provision for my parents so that they can buy me a sparkling dress for Christmas and Santa will deliver it to me a day before Christmas and I will show my friends. Make this come true. Amen".

Mr. Jay, a man living next door to Mr Rufus, heard James praying and was moved. All hope was lost for Mr and Mrs Rufus except for James who believed Santa was coming on that day and couldn't wait to get his gift.

"Mum, Santa is coming," he asked.

"Yes, he is coming" disappointment written all over her face. She tried to find excuses to give for Santa not coming as promised when suddenly there was a knock on the door. She opened and before her was Santa standing on the doorpost with a package.

"This is for James, sparkling clothes for Christmas".

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