The Return of Gath// The Inkwell Writing Prompt

It's been 12 years since Gath left home. No one knew where he had run to, he walked through the wide blue gate with his bag wrapped around his shoulder hoping his sins had been forgiven. Nothing had changed, his dad's old car was still packed under the huge mango tree, the huge drum beside the pillar holding the small bungalow, the ornaments surrounding the building and the broken fence remained untouched. Everywhere was calm as if there had not been humans living there for some time, cobwebs filled the doorpost, and the door was locked with an old padlock. He was about clearing the cobwebs to make way when he heard someone's voice from behind.

"Hey, who's there?"

He turned around to see the man's dad whom he had robbed 12 years ago. He was old with gray, he wondered if he still recognized him.

"Hmm-- hmm" he fumbled with words, afraid to mention his name.

"I recognize this face," the old man said, puzzled as to where he knew him. He was still trying to recall where he knew him from when someone called out his name from behind.


The old man's face widened, "Gath?" He recaptured "Darius' son?" He questioned. "You" he said pointing at him. Gath stood still not knowing what to do, he was yet to know where his parents were , running again wasn't a good choice, he was ready to take whatever judgement they concluded on him.


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He was dragged to the village square for judgment. Soon the news spread across the village of Gath's return. He kneed beside the king who sat on a wooden chair with guards standing beside him.

"It's been 12 years since you left your hometown to an unknown land after robbing one of your brothers" the king started, "though it's been long, but the judgment of your act you'll still face" he said.

"I know I have done wrong in the past, I'm ready to make amends and I'll take whatever judgement is given to me, but before then, where are my parents?" He asked.

The king nod his head, "son, no one know where they are, they couldn't bear the shame of your act and left 7 years after when no one knew where you had ran to"

"It's all your fault" one of the elders added

"His punishment should be a huge one to be a lesson to others" one of the elders advised.

"He should be robbed of his possessions and given to Maxwell's son," another suggested.

"He should be banned from the village," another said.

"It's enough" the king said when multiple suggestions kept coming. After some minutes of thinking the king concluded half of his possessions be given to Maxwell's son.

"That's a fair judgment" one of the elders said to another standing beside him.

The judgment on Gath was heavy, he had made no wealth all the days he had been away and dividing his wealth meant sharing his father's inheritance. His action had only made him suffer. Accepting the judgment on him was the only way to bring his parents back, but it also meant he needed to work harder for his children to have an inheritance.

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