Hope rekindled

The loss of a loved one is not the most beautiful feeling one can experience. No matter how they leave our lives, it is never less painful and this can make us forget all the beautiful moments. The only thing that can save us at such a time is a reason to believe.

This Christmas was not going to be a merry one and there was nothing anyone could do to make me believe otherwise. The war had been very brutal, there was neither victor or vanquished, just victims of an unnecessary and avoidable season of pain and bloodshed.

Sitting outside my compound that morning, I was shocked to see some of my neighbors discussing how the holiday was going to be, I could hear MR Okai, a once 6ft 5, tall and handsome man who now had a stump for a hand due to the war tell his children that since they had been good all year and also been very brave, they were each going to receive something from Santa. I scoffed at his joke of a promise, I wanted to walk to his children and tell them that he was lying but I was stopped by a tiny wet hand.
Isabelle, my beautiful joyous daughter. She had had kept I and my wife; Adrianne’s hope alive with each beautiful smile of hers.

I held her hand and flipped her; this was greeted by the most beautiful squeal of delight I had ever heard. “Daddy!!” she said with laughter in her voice, her eyes were beautiful and bright, drowning all my fears and almost making me forget the past seven years in active service for an unnecessary cause. “Yes baby I answered as I put her on my back, spreading my arms as I twirled around catching the attention of the other children who in turn ran round us with loud and delightful laughter.
By the time we got in, Adrianne was back from the local garage sale and a Christmas tree of an unknown origin was sitting at a wall close to my book shelf.

“Wow what a nice looking tree” I said sarcastically “Oh thank you my love” she replied sweetly, ignoring my sarcasm and taking Isabelle off my back, “No pouting my love” she said to Isabelle kissing her on her cheeks, “Mummy and Daddy have to make the house look okay for Santa’s visit, you know he does not like messy places, just wait a little in your room and then you can come back and have Daddy to yourself”.

After satisfying Isabelle, Adrianne walked to me holding me with a puppy-like look in her eyes, I could not stop myself from kissing her at that moment, “What do you want woman?” I asked after breaking the kiss, while sitting on our threadbare couch with her in my laps, “Alfred my love, I know you said you did not want a flashy Christmas with so many lights, but at the garage sale I could not hold myself, it seemed as if the tree called to me” She replied, I rolled my eyes knowing she wanted more, “Seeing as I am not angry at this gesture of yours anymore what else do you want?” I asked, “Well I was hoping you would play Santa for the kids tonight, please do not say no.” she said kissing me again

Seeing as I had no other choice, not just because of the kissing and smooching I received from my wife but also my daughter weirdly asking me to make a wish, I had no choice but to say yes. I wished to see my father and brother again not because I believed but just to please my daughter and now at 11:45pm here I was in oversized scratchy wooly clothes distributing gifts to all the children thanks to my wife and conspiring neighbors.

Tired and extremely bed ready at midnight I climbed in through my house window with the aid of my wife and neighbors amidst thanks and appreciations was when I saw the bright light, tiny at first and lo and behold he was there in flesh, just as the stories described him. He turned and seeing our open mouths said, “hello kids, you have been very good parents and I am so proud of you. Because of that I will fulfill all your wishes”, but you have to go to bed first he said tapping each of us.

Just he left, I walked to the sitting room and behold they were there in flesh. Words are not enough to describe the joy I felt at the hugs and at finally knowing that I could be free. Adrianne turned to me and kissed me, “Merry Christmas my love she said into my lips as our kiss deepened.

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