Today makes it six months since Chris died. At least, that was what the news said.
Chris can be described as my local boyfriend, not because I have a national or international boyfriend but because he was poor. My family was well-to-do, and my parents already betrothed me to the son of their friend and business partner, Travis.

And unlike the dramatic couples you read about in novels, Travis and I were just there. Neither in love nor out of love. Neither friends nor enemies.

We were just there and frankly speaking, that was a very awkward place to be in. I yearned to be loved and held and cared for and spoiled and so many things.

I fantasized about meeting a rich man who would be tall and dashing and would belong to me. My own prince charming. He would write poems on my beauty and wake me up every morning with a........ My fantasies ran wild and soon I got frustrated because Travis was like a robot with average looks.

The best I've heard from him was 'You look okay,'


I had spent almost two hours getting dressed only to be told I looked okay.

That was the day everything changed. I went to the party with him and drank two glasses of champagne to cool my raging temper while trying to not let tears drop from my eyes. I was frustrated.

I took the third glass of champagne and as I was about to gulp it down, a lady bumped into me and the dress spilled all over my dress making my undies visible. I was so embarrassed as I searched everywhere for Travis but he was nowhere in sight.

Then my prince in shining armor came to save me, his damsel in distress. He gave me his oversized jacket and dropped his number so he could get it back when I was done. I fell in love immediately but denied it. After all, he was only a poor waiter.

I wished he was a little richer so I could introduce him to my parents but that was not to be. From then, Chris became my 'local' boyfriend as my friends called him.

We loved each other to a fault and because of him, I kept postponing my wedding with Travis. And then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, Chris got a contract that would enable him to start up his own company. I was thrilled at the thought. Finally, we could be together without hiding.

"So when are you starting the job," I asked him in excitement.

"I'm starting in a month but it's in the U.S.," he said

We were in London and going to the U.S. was a very tough decision.

"Okay, you have my blessings," I said with a forced smile.

I was going to miss him silly but a few months was worth sacrificing for a lifetime together. He never came back. A few weeks later, I received an email saying he was dead. He was involved in an accident with three other people and only one survived but was in critical condition.

I felt shattered. He was dead!

He died and left me all by myself! I wept bitterly. I began to count the days, hoping he would come back. His parents moved far away after that and I was left to deal with my grief alone.

Then, a month went by and the two and three and four, till it got to today, the sixth month he died. My parents have been pressuring me to get married to Travis but after my love with Chris, I would never go back to my old ways.

I went to the makeshift grave I made for him at our favorite spot and put a white rose there. That was his favorite flower. I stayed there for a long time and soon fell asleep.

Then, that familiar masculine scent wafted through my nose jolting me up. He was standing there in white.

"Chris, you're alive," I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I am," he said

"You died and now I can see you. Am I dead too," I wondered aloud.

"We're both alive," he said and enveloped me in a tight hug.

"How?" I asked, my voice choking up

"There were two Chris Arthur in the vehicle that had an accident. I'm the only survivor.
You got the wrong mail. I couldn't die like that. I knew you'd be sad," he said gently.

I wanted to scream and cry and tell him how sad, scared, and alone I felt when I saw the letter but said instead,

"Will you marry me, Chris," I asked.

He laughed in a deep and throaty way before replying in a flirtatious tone,

"Where's the ring?"

I laughed loudly and snuggled into his warm embrace, happy to be reunited with my lover.

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