The Breakout - Zombie


Unlike the COVID 19 this one was way worse, I have always watched movies on the zombie apocalypse and had imagined on how I would survive, it was fun in my head to think about but now that it’s my reality, it scares me. I have been couped up in my house with my family and our resources are slowly dwindling. Thankfully water isn’t much of a problem for now as we still have our electricity and are able to pump some water.

It is day 1001 of the zombie apocalypse, I don’t grow to hate the scientists that caused all this any less. I miss my boyfriend I haven’t seen him since the start of all this, he lives a few streets away from my place. I need to go out and see him, although he doesn’t want me to risk the danger of coming over. We’ve had this convo and it always goes the same way. I say “hey babe, I miss you and I want to come see you”,

“Me too babe, but it’s too risky” he’d say and I’d say “I’ll come still”, he’d threateningly say “I won’t open the doors for you” and I’ll smile when I say “then I’d die on your front door knowing I made it that close”, he’d then give a frustrating sigh.

Today day 1010 I had come to realize that if none of us would go out to get food we wouldn’t need the zombies to eat and turn us, we’d die from hunger. So I decided that when the sun is at its peak, I will go scavenge for food at the once filled with people mall, which is now empty and open to loot.
Exactly 12pm I set out with two big empty bags and a big stick with sharp edge. I kept to the corners and made my way as stealthily as I can be so I don’t make any noise, luckily the zombies were as dumb as portrayed in most movies. I made it to the nearest mall and it was crawling with zombies I quickly hid under a counter but I quickly discovered to my suprise that there was a zombie hiding exactly where I was, shocked, my legs became stuck and I felt like the whole world was against me. Surprisingly, the female zombie turned to me and whispered to me “when I distract the other zombies, I need you to quickly move around and grab what you came for” in my state of ever growing shock I just nodded. She jumped over the counter surprising me even further and began making a sound similar to what the other zombies were making and somehow they were moving towards her as if drawn to her.

I pack up essentials ranging from mini snacks, mini rice bags, chocolates, juice, eggs anything edible I could reach even. Then quickly to the electronics I grab lamps and torches, batteries, chargers, radios and teasers. I almost fall on my behind when I turned and saw the talking zombie girl from before, she said to me “get the infrared lights, they ward us off at night”. I tried to form a sentence at last and said “thank you, but how aren’t you like the others”. Her lips moves up in a sad smile when she says “I don’t know but when I got bit and changed it happened that I could still think and somehow the rest gravitates toward me like I am their leader”.

My mouth was open in wonder and my brain begins to put lines together before I spit out “together we can come to some kind of truce and find a way to live together and maybe one day we might find a cure and fix the rest”.

My trip to the mall that day semi-saved the remaining human race as I bargained with the girl whose name I don’t still know because she forgot it after her transition, I just call her nameless now. The pact says that humans can come out at day time but any one found at night is game for them.

The next day, I head to my boyfriend’s place and I feel excited.

The end!

Thanks for reading to this point, I hope you enjoyed it. I accept constructive criticism.

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