Josh was a ten year old boy with a big attitude, he talked and behaved like a full grown adult and he also loved to hang with full grown adults because he sees hanging out with kids his age or any kid at all was a complete waste of his time.

His parents tried everything possible to make him change his mindset and to start behaving like kids his age but all was to no avail.

He was the only child of his parents so many of their neighbors concluded that this was the reason for his behavior as he had no one to play with.

He did not request for candies or toys or any child friendly stuff and he loved to watch PG 18 rated movies when his parents were not around because according to him the children shows and cartoons won't teach him anything reasonable.


In school he maintained the same behavioural pattern and he rarely spoke to other kids and he had requested so many times for the school to transfer him to college because his results were too overwhelming for a ten year old but of course his requests were always denied.

There was a particular thing every kid in the world believed in and every Christmas there always gifts from the thing, and that thing was Santa Clause.

Josh loved Christmas and always looked forward to it because he would travel to his grandparents home and play chess with some of his adult relatives but he did not believe in Santa Clause and when asked why he would say

We all know that Santa Clause is fake and is based on the lies adults tell kids.

Every Christmas Eve when other kids kept their socks on fireplaces in expectation of gifts from Saints, Josh would open his window and yell


Then he would close the window and smile mischievously to himself and then he would go to bed without expectations.

But one Christmas Eve would change the young Josh forever, that particular year his parents vowed to change him and his adult like behaviour for good and they connived with some of their neighbors to execute thier plan.

The plan was simple and yet had the potential to be effective, so on the 24th of December that year his parents took him to his grandparents house to keep him away for a while so as to execute the plan.

When he came back later in the night, he went straight to bed because he was very tired after a long day of playing chess.

A strange noise woke him up though at first he thought that it was the Nelson's who normally sang Christmas songs at that time as they waited for Santa's visit but the noise seemed to be coming from downstairs in his own house.

He switched on the table lantern beside him and then put on his robe and bravely went downstairs to confront whoever was making that sound.

At first he went to his parents room to check but both of them were fast asleep, he then went to the living room and switched on the light and to his utmost surprise SANTA CLAUSE was there keeping gifts of different sizes there, he was shocked but he kept his cool and asked

what are you doing here? my parents sent you right? how did you come inside?

Well ho ho ho there young man, your parents did not send me here, i came here on my own to give you gifts because you have been good all year

I thought Santa only came to kids who called him, i did not call you so why are you here then? i always knew you were a scam, i know that the adults in this street paid you to do this and other kids may believe that you are real but i won't because i know that all these stuff are fairy tales and all these gifts were bought at a local supermarket, i have one advice for you though, stop doing all this childish things and find a real job like other adults do you understand?

Wow you are a tough one aren't you young man? even though you don't believe all these stuff, it believes in you and the main reason we celebrate this season is because of the magic that comes with it.

Santa said and before Josh could reply Santa disappeared and every where lit up.

Josh hadn't noticed the beautiful decorations around the house and when they lit up something in him changed, he felt happy and satisfied and when he looked out the window he saw Santa in his carriage with gifts surrounding him and then the famous six flying deers flying the carriage deep into the night and then Santa shouted

HO HO HO, Merry Christmas Josh have a good one


Josh was absolutely stunned, he heard himself saying

So Santa is real

He ran to his room and dived into bed smiling like he had never before, the next morning he ran downstairs to check if the gifts were there and of course all the gifts were still lying there

Merry Christmas Josh, it seems you had a little visit from Santa last night

his dad said referring to the gifts

Wow Josh are you smiling? so you finally believe in Santa

his mom said happily

Mom and Dad i really appreciate the efforts you and the others involved in this put to try and convince me but it won't work, oh and please tell that man that acted like Santa last night that he is a terrible actor and i was not convinced at all

Josh said stunning his parents who thought that their set up might help change Josh but it turned out that all their efforts were in vain so they simply shrugged and went to their room disappointed.


As soon as they left Josh rushed to the gifts and opened them one after the other, there were different toys of different sizes and shapes, they were also comics, small cash, clothes and so many other items.

He did not want to tell his parents that something in him had changed and he had started to believe in so many things and that he also wanted all the gifts, toys, candies, and all the other stuff he missed out on......

All it took to change young Josh was one night of magic.
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