Michael was in deep thoughts, lately his faith in God has been tested and if any more unfortunate events occured in his life again he would snap.

Micheal was a devoted christian who never missed a single day of church for the past 10 years and he was well known by all and sundry as "the last good man on earth" and sure enough he lived up to that nickname.


He was a civil servant and every month end when civil servants received their salaries he took his and divided into two, the first half was for him and his wife which they would use for their upkeep and the other half was used for charity, he would buy food stuff and household materials for kids in the orphanage and then the remaining part of the money would be for the less privileged.

In church he was the choir master and leader of the youths so in general Micheal was a very good man but he was starting to doubt everything as of late.

He got married to his wife Denise 10 years ago when he gave his life to Christ, they met when he was still looking for a job and it was like the classic love at first sight for both of them in fact she was the one that converted him to christ.

They had a happy home and were the normal happy couple every other couple emulated but one thing spoilt that happy home, a cry of a baby has never been heard in their home since they got married ten years ago but they kept faith and believed that God would come to their rescue one day though people made fun of them including members of their own families.

He was recently fired from his job for unknown reasons and to make matters worse he was fired on the 29th of December which was just 3 days to a new year so the timing was just horrible for him.

His wife who worked as a nurse was suddenly struck down with partial stroke which paralyzed her from the waist down in fact she was a shadow of former self though Micheal took her to the hospital immediately he noticed it she showed no signs of recovering.

Michael had to borrow money from different sources to pay the hospital bill so she could be admitted but how was he going to pay off the massive debts was what bothered him now.

As he sat on his parlour pondering over all these problems he remembered that he had to bring food for his wife, he dressed up and packed the food then before he left he said to himself

God you know that i having been serving you all these years wholeheartedly so why are you letting all these challenges happen to me, honestly i am starting to loose faith in you though i don't want to. He said with tears in his eyes

He composed himself then went to the hospital to be with his wife, he bathed her then feed her then the doctor came and gave her some drugs.

On the 31st which is a day to the new year many thoughts were racing through the mind of Micheal, he wondered wether to go the cross over service that held in his church but another thought told him to forget it and stay with his wife but before he could succumb to the second voice his wife who seemed to read his thoughts managed to say to him

Honey i know what you sre thinking but you have to go the cross over service so you could pray to God to change our current situation. She said passionately

Michael looked at his wife and his faith and believe in God returned back to him, he stood up and kissed his wife and said

I know everything would be okay one day, thank you for being a great wife to me, i will go and pray for our family. He said with renewed energy

He called his younger sister to come and stay with his wife whilst he rushed home to prepare for Church.

When he got to church at night the entire place was filled to the brim so he quietly went to sit at the back to avoid being noticed, deep into the night when the prayers were getting hotter the pastor stopped the entire church and said

Mr Michael Smith please come out if you are here.

Micheal came out looking puzzled

Mr Michael you are one of the devoted and strong believer in God and i know that there are so many challenges facing you now that is making you doubt your faith including your wife's predicament but you don't have to worry no more God has remembered you today, i will personally settle every debt you are owing and also settle your wife's hospital bill when she is out because believe me she is coming out tomorrow morning. The pastor declared

The entire congregation shouted in praise because Micheal was well loved so everyone was happy with the declaration, Michael on the hand claimed the declaration with faith and thanked the pastor profusely


Immediately it was 12 midnight which meant that the new year was year fireworks were released and everyone was on a celebratory mood, Michael's phone rung and when he looked at the screen it was the doctor in charge of his wife, he was a bit worried but he went outside and picked up the call

Mr Smith praise God wherever you are because your wife has miraculously recorvered and is walking well now. The doctor announced


Michael screamed with joy and without wasting time he rushed to the hospital, he got to the hospital and went to the room his wife was in and truly his wife was okay, he hugged his wife passionately and the doctor made another announcement

This is a good time to announce that your wife is also 2 months pregnant with quadruplets which i discovered when i scanned your wife, congratulations. He said

Micheal and Denise screamed with joy and Michael's sister picked up the phone to call their parents.

The pastor fulfilled his promise and gave them extra money when he was told the good news and so the next day as he predicted they went home.

Another miracle occured, Micheal's boss called to apologize for firing him without reason and told him that he has been promoted by the government to the highest level which meant that Michael was now the boss of his boss, he was also to get a new luxury house and a brand new car as compensation for the wrongful firing.

Micheal was just dumbfounded, he immediately went on his knees and thanked God for blessing him unexpectedly in the new year.

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