MY NEW BEGINNING TALE nonfiction prompt #48

I had always enjoyed a cozy existence in the company of friends and family. Even though I didn't originate from a wealthy family, life has always been very kind to me. Surrounding yourself with positive thinkers will aid you in your path through life.

I intended to set things right for my family when I received my college degree because they deserved nothing less from me and since they are wonderful people who supported my ambitions and helped them come true.

We all know how hard it is to get a well-paid job with the government in my country so I decided to start a fresh beginning, One day I made the difficult choice to relocate to a new city, distant from my city, to quest for brighter pastures, and I packed only a few belongings.

We had the following chat when I called my mother and my siblings in the living room.

I informed my siblings that I had to depart for the city the next day.

How long have you been thinking of this? said my mother

For some months now because jobs aren't coming, I have applied to many companies but had no results so I had to seek a better future

It is a hard decision but we have to support your dreams and in other to make this happen you need to leave your comfort zone. said, my siblings.

The next day I left for the city as I discussed earlier, I experienced a severe sense of unease as I grew accustomed to my new environment. I was overwhelmed at times by the difficulties of beginning over because everything seemed strange to me. But there was a glimmer of hope and resolve deep within me that wouldn't go away. In this strange city, I swore to accomplish my goal without encountering any difficulties.

I started looking for a place I could call home. I finally located a cozy flat with big windows looking out into a busy street after days of searching. It turned became my haven, a place where I could go after exhausting days spent figuring out a new life.

I then concentrated on creating a network of allies. To meet like-minded people, I forced myself to go to community activities outside of my comfort zone. Even though it wasn't always simple, I persisted in trying to make new acquaintances. I gradually but certainly came to realize that I was surrounded by a kind and loving group of people who accepted me and became my chosen family in the city.

In the course of my search for better pastures, I was introduced to an 8-month program called the Youth Acquisition Programme, where you may sign up and enter whatever skill you choose to learn within the stipulated period, It is to help the youth realize their aspirations. The organization offered resources, mentorship, and even financial assistance to turn their dreams into reality. I took advantage of this chance and opened a makeup studio after the program in the city as my own little business.



I realized that the turning point I needed had been my choice to relocate to a new city and start afresh. I had been strengthened by my difficult choice of leaving home, and I had been changed by the encounters I had along the way.

Today, I stand proudly surrounded by supportive individuals who assisted me in adjusting to my new city as well as my family and friends.

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