Surprise celebration (December 2022 News, Updates and New Contest from The Ink Well)


It was early morning, Natasha, Vimmi, Saurabh and Nilesh had come to the seashore to enjoy the morning breeze and fresh air, the sun had just risen a while back, and the atmosphere was very pleasant, and there was little moisture in the air, the sun was shining.

The rays were bright and very light. Many other people were also playing on the beach sand, some were running, and some children were building sand houses.

Some were surfing, some were enjoying the sea waves. Some boys were playing wooden handball. And apart from these, some young couples were hugging, kissing and licking behind the rocks lying on the shore, some couples had crossed the limits of shamelessness, but no one was paying much attention to them. Because such scenes used to be seen daily on the seashore.

yes just sometimes some policemen and some local goons, miscreants and pickpockets used to harass these couples and extort some money from them. Some of these couples are also husband and wife, and some boys, students and girls also come to show their love. Those who give small amounts of money to save their respect and get rid of them.

Nilesh was walking ahead, he saw that a stray dog had sat behind a rock by pressing the object that came out of the ocean waves in its mouth. Due to curiosity, Nilesh told his three friends that there was something in the dog's mouth.

seeing this these four friends reached behind that rock and they saw that there was an old bottle lying there, and inside that bottle a piece of paper was visible, a wooden stopper was tightly attached to the mouth of the bottle.

The all four friends were very surprised that from where this bottle came here, and what must have been written on its paper. Out of curiosity, they opened the bottle. On the paper inside it was written only two lines, help me, I am stranded on a deserted island namely tengo in the middle of the Asian sea, and this paper had a date of 2 months old , and a name was also written which was unidentified .

The all four friends were very surprised to read the message that came out of this bottle, and they decided among themselves that they would go to that deserted island to help this man and somehow help him to reach his home from there.

The next day again they gathered at one place and they found out from their sources where this Tengo island would be, they came to know that this island was located 2 thousand nautical miles away from their city, and to reach there they had to go to Colombo first. And they Have to go, 300 nautical miles from Colombo and could be reached there by any boat or ship.

These four friends took help from their homes, collected their savings, and then reached Colombo by plane, they hired a high speed motor boat from Colombo beach.

The driver of this motor boat was well-versed with the sea of that area, and he was aware of every detail there, after traveling for 5 losses by motor boat, they all reached Tango Island, the view of this island was very beautiful. , white sandy shores, forests of chortens and lush green trees, lined with coconut, date palms, and other fruit trees.

The five pitched the tents they brought with them a little away from the shore and rested in them for the night, in the morning they went out in search of the person whose bottle message they had read.

When they went inside the forest surrounded by trees, he was stunned, there was a very beautiful pond inside, a colorful big tent was set up near it, and sound waves were coming out of that tent. And there were sounds of some people talking loudly, laughing and dancing. Now the surprise of these four friends and their driver has increased that how this uproar is happening on this deserted island.


When he entered the tent in fear, he saw that about 30-40 boys and girls were enjoying there, then two boys called these four friends by name and said, Welcome to Tango Island. Come and celebrate the arrival of the new year with us. All the friends were bewildered because this voice was of their own friends who lived in Sri Lanka.

Then he asked one of his friends how you planned all this, then he told all of them that if we had invited you here for the celebration, you might have made excuses.

so one of ourselves had reached with a bottle and put behind the rock a dog and every moment you he was keeping an eye on you, we know that you are very emotional and soft-hearted, that's why you will come running to help any unknown person.

And our plan was successful, now have fun and celebrate the arrival of New Year with us for a whole week. All this is a gift from us to you.

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