Fairies world.

Ella paid attention to the buzzing sound penetrating through the closed window

"What could that be?", she asked herself.

She gently got out of bed in attempt to reach for one of the palace guards to check where the sound was coming from but before she could reach the door, she saw the reflection of tiny lights in a mirror standing by the door side.

"Wow", Ella exclaimed immediately she turned around to see what it was.

What are those? How did they get in when the window is locked?

Different questions kept popping up in her head as she stared at those dramatic creatures flying around in her room sprinkling lights everywhere.

They were fun to watch and she got carried away for a few seconds smiling at their acrobatic display.

She could hear them speaking funny language and surprisingly, she understood everything they said.

"What are you creatures and why are you in my room?", Ella asked but she wasn't sure if they could hear her.

The creatures stopped when they heard her voice and one of them approached her. Ella stretched her hand to touch it when she heard a sharp knock on her door.

She turned to look who it was and it turned out to be her maid.

"Good morning Princess", she greeted.

"Morning? I haven't slept, I was having a conversation with....", she paused for a moment.

Ella realized it was just another dream of fairies flocking around her. She quickly got out of bed to look through the window but nothing was there.

"So it was a dream again, why did that feel so real this time?", she left her room murmuring with a troubled heart.

"You looked disturbed my daughter, is everything alright?", King Modric asked Ella who was approaching her father's study.

"The dream again, it is becoming too real these days", Ella responded as she threw herself on her father.

He held her tight and promised to take care of the situation.

The king requested that she narrated the dream and she did. King Modric sent for the kingdom wise men to come and shed more light on the possible reasons why fairies keep coming to her in the dream.



Emerald kingdom use to be the home of fairies but humans came into their midst and took advantage of them. It all started with the fairies trimming their wings to make medicine that cured all kinds of illnesses for humans.

In return for their kindness, human's started capturing them just to cut their wings which automatically is the end for any fairy that fell victim.

The fairies had the power to fight back but their super abilities forbid them from hurting humans so they went into hiding hoping for an opportunity to win their place among humans again.

The kingdom wise men gathered at the palace and after the dream was narrated, everyone began to give their interpretation.

"I thought as much, those fairies are trying to possess my daughter", the King said after the last man gave his interpretation.

Gifts were given to the wise men and as they were heading out, Pa Clement the man everyone refers to as the brain of the gods walked into the palace hall.

He was looking tattered and dirty, most people don't associate themselves with him because they think he is possessed.

"Thieves!, you are all bunch of thieves", he screamed at the wise men who were laughing and happy about the gifts the king gave to them.

Everyone paused, his noise got the king's attention.

"Seize him", the king ordered
The King wasn't in the mood for Pa Clement's joke. On a good day, he does entertain and listens to his jokes because he speaks wisdom even when people think he is saying rubbish.

"My King, denying me this minute will bring destruction to your reign. I saw a vision you must hear about", Pa Clement screamed as he was been dragged out.

"Leave him, let him speak", the king ordered as he readjusted on the throne.

"My Lord, I saw you in the dark and it looked like you are lost. You started crawling on the floor because it was dark and you couldn't even see but suddenly, a tiny light appeared and it guided your path. It led you back to your thrown and revealed itself, it was a fairy"

Everyone exclaimed and people started insulting him.

"You must be drunk", one of the wise men said.

Pa Clement continued, "it's time to put an end to how humans treat fairies or the king will suffer a huge loss soon".

Pa Clement left the palace in a terrible atmosphere, and even the king was terrified.

Years passed but nothing happened and soon, Pa Clement's vision was believed to be inspired by alcohol.

He sought the wise men again and they told him that the fairies might be planning to take back the kingdom.

King Modric thought about it and out of anger, he made a decree that fairies should be hunted and their wings should be cut off to render them powerless.

Doing that would render them useless, they will never get a chance to fight back.

The hunt became a priority for people because the bounty placed on a fairy wings is enough to make them rich. Lots of them were captured where they were hiding and kept in jars until they were needed.

They were captured until the very last they can lay their hands on, a lot of people made a fortune from the hunt.

King Modric was becoming old so he appointed his daughter as his heir to carry out royal duties. Ella was awesome with her duties and people who were against a female becoming an heir couldn't find any faults in her.

The King's annual feast came and King Modric was proud to flaunt his daughter's success in the presence of other kings who were his subordinates.

He started giving his speech and at some point, he called on Ella.
Everyone started clapping as Ella left her seat to join the king where he was, she has grown into a strong and beautiful lady.

She felt great with the cheers and suddenly, she started feeling weird. She paused for a moment to observe what was happening to her and before she knew it, Ella began to shrink.

"What happening to you", the king screamed as he rushed to her side.

"I don't know daddy, I am scared", Ella cried as the shrinking continued.

It continued until she became tiny and her skin turned to gold. The king cried as he watched his daughter transform, he couldn't do anything about it. Everyone in the hall watched from afar, they weren't sure what was happening as well.

She was on the floor trying to communicate with her father but he didn't understand and suddenly, she grew colored wings.

"The princess is a fairy", someone screamed and the hall was immediately thrown into pandemonium.

The noise scared Ella and she kept flying around in the hall without control, she couldn't control herself.

She kept flying everywhere until she was captured and locked in a jar.

The king pleaded for her to be released but no one would listen to his plea. It was so bad that they weren't even willing to sell her.

He tried using his authority but it didn't work, a fairy remains a fairy even though she is a princess. The oldest and most respected chief in the gathering tried calming the situation and he succeeded but he couldn't convince the people to release the princess to the king.

The news traveled like wildfire and soon there was a great crowd gathered at the event.

The king's plea fell on deaf ears and in the end, he agreed to abandon the throne for the sake of his daughter. That seem fair enough but they warned him not to let her leave his sight because if they caught her again, her wings will be plucked.

He left the palace in shame and wished he gave the fairies a chance to live when he still had power.

Nowhere was safe for Ella so he took her to the mother of his deceased wife.

On seeing Ella, the old woman burst into tears.

"I didn't know this will ever happen and if your wife was alive, she would have prevented this at all cost", the old woman said as she stared at Ella.

"What do you mean grandma", the king asked.

"Your daughter is a fairy, her mother had to beg the queen of the fairies to bless her with a child when she couldn't conceive. They blessed her with the baby who was a fairy on the condition that she must end the conflict between man and fairies or she loses her child later, but she died".

The king fell to his knee and wept like a kid.

The old woman continued as tears dropped from her eyes, "The fairies were cheated and we took them for granted, you will have treated them well if you knew that your daughter was one of them. The queen's death was a huge loss and I decided to cut connection with the world, I am sorry I couldn't prevent this".

The king remembered Pa Clement's vision and wish he had taken it seriously but it was late.

After a few days with grandma, he decided to settle in the mountain with his daughter who still made life beautiful for him with her power but the King still missed the royal life till he passed on.

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