The Happiest Day Of Her Life.

"It is not what you think Marvin," Ella stuttered repeatedly as she tried to make her fiancee see the truth about a misunderstanding that started the previous day.

The lovers were invited to a party by their friend but Marvin had to meet a client that morning so he suggested that Ella go alone while he took care of business. Unexpectedly, she stumbled into her ex-boyfriend at the party who insisted on sitting with her and she couldn't say no, their relationship ended on a mutual agreement.

They exchanged pleasantries and just chatted randomly about life. Marvin finished his meeting earlier than expected and decided to join Ella at the party. He didn't bother to inform Ella and seeing her laughing boisterously with her ex when he arrived there made him pissed. Marvin took a picture of them and left the event without Ella's knowing that he was there.

"Are you taking me for a fool? You invited your ex to a party because you didn't know I would come around, is that how cheap you are?" Marvin screamed at the top of his voice and Ella felt terrible because he wasn't listening to her explanation.

"We only met at the party and I didn't even know he was there. He just popped up at my table and requested to join me. We are not enemies and I couldn't say no," Ella replied and Marvin burst into laughter.

"I am not stupid Ella, I saw sparks in your eyes while talking to him. It doesn't even look like you guys ever broke up. Pictures don't lie," Marvin showed her the picture he captured at the party.

"Marvin, when will you ever trust me? I changed my business thrice in the last four years because you don't want me to interact with other guys and I switched happily just to make you happy but you always wanted more. Your insecurity about me is affecting us badly and you need to stop it," Ella replied and went on her knees but Marvin wasn't convinced.

"You know what? I am done with you," Marvin yelled at her.

"That can't happen, I spent four years of my life living by your rules and you want to end this relationship because of a mere suspicion?" Ella stuttered.

"You call that suspicion? I caught you red-handed," He replied.

"We are planning to get married Marvin, please don't do this to me," she pleaded but everything fell on dead ears.

Marvin ignored her throughout the day and Ella returned to her apartment on the mainland. She tried her best to keep in touch with him hoping he would come back to his senses when his anger was subdued but Marvin had made up his mind already.

Ella went to Marvin's place one morning to pick up her stuff and met a lady dressed in pyjamas.

"You moved on quickly Marvin, it looked like you had a replacement for me even before you ended our relationship unreasonably," Ella said to Marvin.

"What are you doing here Ella? I thought I told you that it was over between us and how did you get in here?" Marvin asked sharply.

"I am not here to apologize, I came to pick up my stuff and have you forgotten I have a key to this apartment?" she replied and barged into his bedroom to retrieve her stuff.

On her way out, Marvin insisted that Ella can't leave with their photo album. It was a gift they got from a friend and they stored their pictures in it all through the time they dated.

"Why do I want to even keep memories of you? What was I thinking?" Ella muttered. She threw the photo album and his keys to him on the sofa and left the house.

"You could have let her have it," the new girlfriend said to Marvin.

"Jena, you can't understand. Ella is fetish and can use my picture for evil. I better have them in my care," he replied.

Life moved on quickly for them and they never had any reason to contact one another again.

Ella made up her mind to build her career first before considering any relationship again and things were going smoothly for her. Marvin on the other hand didn't succeed with any relationship after he broke up with Ella. His insecurity problems didn't make any lady stay longer than six months with him and he never saw himself as the problem.

Marvin was taking care of his apartment a few days after his 7th relationship ended and he found the old photo album sitting on top of his wardrobe.

"Could this thing be enchanted? It could be the reason for all my failed relationships," Marvin thought as he stared at the photo album.

He opened it and while staring at the pictures, he missed Ella.

"She must be married by now and I might be wrong," he thought and decided to destroy the album in case it had any connection with his relationship predicament.

Marvin took the album outside the house with some petrol and matches.

"I should remove my pictures, it doesn't make sense to burn them as well," Marvin thought and started removing his pictures.

The first one he removed from the album had a note behind it and he read, "The best human in the world"

Marvin smiled as he muttered, "Silly girl"
He checked other's pictures and saw, "My superhero, Love of my life and others".

Marvin finally removed all his pictures and one of the pictures they took on the day he proposed to Ella caught his attention. He removed the picture and checked behind to see if Ella wrote anything on it like she did to his pictures and yes, she wrote something.

"Today is the happiest day of my life, I am finally going to marry the man of my dreams. I love you Marvin, you mean the world to me"


He read it again and sadness struck his heart immediately. Marvin returned inside the house and sank into his sofa. The beautiful memories he had with Ella started coming back to him and he regretted ending the relationship without any proof that she was cheating.

"She loved me, I should have listened to her. I am sorry Ella," Marvin muttered and broke into tears.

Later that day, he thought of calling Ella to apologize but he was not sure how she would react. Marvin finally called her severally but she wasn't picking up.

"One last try," he muttered. Marvin called again and finally, someone picked up.

"Hello Ella, it is me," Marvin said immediately after the call was picked up.

"Sorry, Ella is busy at the moment. This is her friend, do you have issues getting to the wedding reception?" A lady replied.

"Wedding? She is getting married?" Marvin stuttered.

"She got married earlier today and we are currently at the reception," The lady replied and ended the call immediately. Marvin felt terrible and burst into tears.

"I lost a good woman," he muttered and it took him days to get over the news.

Days after, he summoned the courage to wish Ella a happy marriage life through a test. Ella called Marvin and even her husband spoke to him.

Marvin visited a therapist who helped him put the insecurity issue behind and he was able to get married a few years later.

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