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The rush of wind came again, as the trees swayed and the leaves rustled. The bright red sun and the colorful nature, colorful animals bounded about as flying birds swooped down looking for food. This was how the world was meant to be, why did everything feel alive yet strange.

I ran in perfect synchronization alongside some of the animals never missing a step, we were all headed towards the river, the river of life and of the color green. Something was at the edge of my thoughts but I couldn't hold on to a single thought, it was as if I could only see but not properly observe. I lost track of one train of thought as i formed another.

Something was wrong, but what else was the world supposed to be?

The blaring sound of a train woke me up, meaning I had an hour to get myself ready for work. I live close to a railway station and every morning we have trains passing by with an hour interval in between, so in a way this became my alarm system. The first train was to wake me up while the second was to get me to work.

Knowing how slow I could get whenever I'm trying to get ready for work on a Monday morning. I didn't waste much time in taking my bath, dressing up and getting breakfast ready and in no time i was set to leave. This morning though there was this unexplained energy I was feeling which was strangely familiar, like meeting an old friend who I was just meeting for the first time. Just as I was stepping out, I glanced at my wristwatch and noticed that somehow I had gotten ready in just five minutes That's weird I thought.

Still confused I began the five minutes walk to the train station, and on my way there just at the entrance there was an old man begging which was also weird as there were usually no beggars this early in the morning. I stopped by to give him some money when she suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me close to her. Surprised by the strength in his arms, I couldn't resist as she put her mouth close to my ears and whispered the words A DREAMER IS CHOSEN.

Pulling myself free, I hurried away from him only to glance back after a few steps and notice he was nowhere to be seen. Heartbeating fast, I hurried into the station to get a train ticket and was surprised i only got the last one as the time showed the train would be there in four minutes. A glance at my wristwatch confirmed that the time was indeed correct, I stood confused as there was no way I could've walked more than forty minutes from my apartment to the train station. My wristwatch must've been misbehaving I thought.

With the Monday morning rush and the workload I eventually had to deal with at the factory where I work this whole incident was soon forgotten as the rest of the week passed in an uneventful phase. Saturday morning i woke up to a blast of music from the TV, but I could remember turning it off before going to bed the night before. I walked into my living room to find the old man from the train station sitting in my living room with a smile on his face.

My first instinct was to run, but something about the smile was disarming and I just couldn't feel any panick which wasn't the normal reaction I should have felt.

Who are you and how did you get into my apartment I asked him as I finally summoned courage to enter my living room.

I think a part of you knows who I am he replied

I'm quite certain I don't know you from anywhere I replied already deciding I wouldn't let him know I recognized him as the beggar from the train station.

Still smiling he replied But I am a SCION just like you

A whaaaat?

A SCION, and at this moment you have been chosen to take up your place amongst your kind

Look old man, I am not whatever you're talking about and I don't have a kind whatsoever I replied already getting angry for the first time

If you don't know who a SCION is, at least do you know what we call dreamers?

I didn't want to reply him but the curious part of me gave in as I replied ** Errrrrr, do you mean someone who dreams?**

Exactly my boy, you're one of the few whom we call dreamers and now you have been chosen. Kindly have a seat while I explain things to you he said pointing to the chair across from him and only then did I realize that I'd been standing since.

Reluctantly i sat down, and faced his still smiling face. There was something seriously wrong with this old man with the smile plastered to his face.

Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you he began

Long time ago when this world was created, other worlds were created alongside this one. Humans were created in this world and could only access this plane, back then everyone was just a SLEEPER. But then came the dreamers, a group of humans who had an inate ability to access the other worlds though indirectly.

ERRRR, but what has this fairytale got to do with me

He didn't bother replying as he gave me a look that said shut up and continued his story like I hadn't interrupted him. Amongst these dreamers were a few chosen who could consciously affect these worlds, they were chosen as guardians and became the first set of SCIONS.

Listen old man, I know you believe your story but I think I've heard enough of your stoooo I didn't even finish my statement when he disappeared to my side still smiling.
I practically flew out of my chair, and almost bolted out of my apartment but somehow I kept finding myself back in my seat.

Listen to me boy, your father was one of us. To be chosen is a privilege, we weren't sure if you had the ability but recently you were able to access another world even though your were doing it only as a DREAMER and not as a trained SCION

Do you mean the weird dream I had earlier this week

Yes young man, only a few people can affect their dreams as vividly as you did. So you're quite fortunate to be amongst the small percentage who are regarded as SCIONS

All through this I noticed my flight meter wasn't as high as it should've been, and even my attempt to escape had been half hearted. I vividly remembered the feeling and energy I got after waking from that dream earlier in the week. Something within me actually liked the idea of being something special, and being of charge of guarding different worlds to prevent dreamers from unconsciously ruining them. I already led a boring life and this sounded like my fortunes were about to change.

I looked at the old man and nodded my acceptance. Still with his ever smiling face he replied Just as I expected you would, your training begins in your next sleep

I don't think I understand you, how do you train me in my sleep?

As you must've noticed as a SCION I have certain powers over perception of time and place. So there are certain things we can do that ordinary dreamers cannot do.. Anyways see you in your dreams he replied and vanished.

It took me a while to comprehend all that had happened as I waited in anticipation of my training whenever I went to sleep.

I was back in the new world, and this time I had clarity of thoughts as I took in the colorful nature of the animals and the terrain, the flowing rivers were green in color and my Teacher was right behind me.

Still smiling he pointed forward into the new world and Said SCION WE BEGIN

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