The last warrior


The last thing he remembers was the smile on their face as he waved goodbye on the day of his departure. The smile on his daughter's face gave him courage, the embrace of his wife strengthened his will, and the laughter of his baby boy became the foundation of his bravery.

They all bid him farewell as he joined the other men who were selected by the king to define the city. And as the train blew its final whistle signaling its departure. He shed tears as the thought of never seeing his only treasure on earth crossed his mind.

But then, he had to be strong, because this battle was not just for him, the king, or the city. It was for defending his family, his greatest treasure. even if it meant laying down his life.

The battle began.....
And so he sat there and prayed that whatever happened, they would get out alive. He watched the world disappear from his sight until nothing remained but a blur that would be burned into his memory forever.
It took them six months before they heard from him again. Six months when he could have been dead and buried in an unmarked grave. But he was still here.

As it turned out the war that had started two years prior had ended with the defeat of the last remaining enemy army. The king’s forces marched towards his home, the capital of a new country, and he was there to greet them.

When he got there, everything felt familiar; almost like walking around in a dream. There were more soldiers than ever and many more banners than he knew existed. He was greeted by people he didn't recognize and then led to meet the king. His eyes grew wide when he saw the man.

"I thank you for your service to this kingdom", the king said bowing down before a mere man. others emulated the king by bowing their heads while balancing on one knee.

He broke down in tears remembering the lives that were lost for this mission to be successful. there was silence for a moment until he heard the golden voice of his golden treasure.

He turned around, and there she was. His wife and his bundle of hope standing right beside her. They ran to him and gave him a big hug, happy, laughing, smiling, and crying. Their father, the warrior, the soldier, the last survivor. The man who fought to keep them whole. Has finally returned.

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