The tree and the gardener / The Ink Well Prompt #89

The tree and the gardener

This is the story of a gardener who looked after the entrance of a doctor's surgery, mowed the lawn from time to time and swept the pavements but there was a mango tree that always shed its leaves all year round, like a permanent and endless autumn, this created a lot of inconvenience for the gardener who had to pick them up six times a day..

One day the doctor called his attention to him because he was leaving and the garden was full of leaves.The gardener was annoyed, had to stay an hour longer and mumbled.

"This tree makes my life miserable, every time I clean it I barely turn around and everything gets dirty again, I have to find a way to save myself the work"

The next day he took all the rubbish bins and put them under the tree.

"Now I don't have to pick up your leaves because they will fall right away in the rubbish," said the gardener with a laugh.

But the rubbish bins looked ugly in the eyes of the patients and this annoyed the doctor even more.

So the gardener was scolded again.

Angry, he started to think of something else.

He took a ladder and stretched a net between the branches of the tree to keep them out of sight and it worked, but suddenly the weather turned grey and the thunder began to rumble, there were strong winds and it began to rain. The leaves piled up in the netting and started to get wet and wet until the netting broke. Thousands of leaves fell everywhere, on the grass, on the road and even on the door of the surgery.

The doctor came out and scolded the gardener again.

The gardener was furious he didn't mind getting wet in the rain he took a rake and started raking the leaves, through the puddles of water he looked at the wet branches of the tree and said.

"Demon tree you don't let me see the light, all you do is create problems for me, how I wish you would cease to exist"

Then he saw a strong light with a great thunder of lightning strike the tree, causing the gardener to run with all his might to get to safety, a loud cracking sound could be heard and the tree collapsed completely.

"Yes, it's over! shouted the gardener", who was dancing and jumping in the rain.

For a few days he cut down the tree with enthusiasm because now luck was on his side.

The following week the doctor sent for the gardener and told him:

I actually hired you to clean the leaves off that tree, now that nature took it down I don't need your service anymore, it was that tree that kept you here working, I'm sorry.

Before leaving, he looked at the place where the tree had stood and there was no trace of it, and wondered.

" What am I going to do now? That tree was not a bad thing, I hope it will be born again"

The gardener spent months trying to get back to work, until he was finally rehired by an institution, this time thanking the trees for shedding their leaves and giving him work to eat.

The image is from my own source

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