The king, again, was nowhere to be found! Queen Adeline was pacing her royal chambers, deeply lost in thought when Raya, her childhood friend turned lady-in-waiting came in. At the sound of the chamber doors, The Queen turned swiftly, looking frantically about as if expecting someone different.
"Your majesty" Raya gave a deep bow, palms nervously clutching her skirts.

"Any news?"

She sighed and finally brought her gaze to meet that of the queen's.

"He's not within the palace your majesty"

Adeline dropped suddenly on the bed, face ashen, lips quivering. Every month just before her monthly cycle, she invited the king to her chambers so they could spend time but that tradition was gradually fading because, for the past 6 years, the king had missed every invitation. It would have been easier if he allowed her the opportunity to keep trying for an heir and she kept failing, "That's it then" She smiled through the tears that had escaped her eyes and were cruising down her cheeks.

"I'm leaving Westernburg"

"Your majesty, this is ridiculous. You cannot walk out on your kingdom"

"My kingdom? The king, no, my husband cannot even stand me! Every member of the inner court has lost their respect for me. Members of the cabinet are whining for the king to either get a new queen or get ready to give up the throne…"

"But none of that is going to happen! We'll soon figure this out, your majesty. You just have to keep being strong"

The queen covered her face with her palms and wept.

King John John VI hated to be probed as much as he hated to feel incompetent.

"Your Highness, our kingdom will not hold without the promise of a future. If the current queen cannot produce an heir then we should get you another queen"

How was he supposed to listen to his cabinet when he had been friends with Adeline for 9 years before she became his queen? As if that was not enough, anonymous letters were coming to him threatening to take the throne if he refused to give it up or produce an heir as soon as possible.

"Your majesty, the king of Westernburg"

He knew who it was so he didn't turn around.

"You requested my audience, Court noble Henry"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I am a sloppy old man now so my weight cannot hold for long…."

The king ordered him to sit then turned around to take the seat opposite him.

"Your majesty, the issue on the ground can be solved with a little compromise. However, you will have to gain the favor of the queen and let her know it is for the betterment of the royal family and the kingdom."

"What are you talking about?"

The old man looked around to ensure no other person was present then leaned forward to speak in a hushed tone

"You have to organize a ball. When everyone is in high spirits and making merry, sneak away with a maid and make it worthwhile"

The disgust on the king's face was evident, "Adeline will not forgive me"

The old man rose and smoothened his robe "King John John VI, a true leader must exercise authority without giving in to emotions or sentiments. I'll take my leave now".

It took so much convincing from Raya for Adeline to attend the ball. She was furious. Of all the pressing demands in the kingdom, a ball was what he chose to attend to. She knew it wasn't his idea and it made her hate it the more.

"What do they have up their sleeves that they would convince His Majesty to throw a ball?"

"That is immaterial now, your highness. This is the chance we've been waiting for" Raya had told her as she clipped the diamond earrings on her ears. When Adeline turned questioning eyes to her, she sighed "You have to lie with the King tonight. This is the only chance you will get"

Amidst the dancing and celebration, Adeline wondered why she couldn't find the King anywhere. Why would he throw a party and be absent from it? She proceeded to his chambers and sensed something fishy when she saw more than the usual number of guards standing at his doorway.

"What's going on in there?" The guards failed to give a reply so she knew something was awfully wrong. Just like she suspected, one of the young palace maids was well dressed, pacing the room. She could also see the king's bed had been adorned like he was expecting a new bride.

"What in heaven's sake are you doing here?"

The girl was quite shocked and incoherent but Adeline managed to get the words she needed to hear, "His Majesty...I was spend the night...I swear, we have not done anything. He has stomach trouble because of alcohol. Spare me, your majesty!"

She heard gurgling from the washroom and knew the king was in there throwing up, he was definitely drunk. Even if she didn't know anything else, she knew the king only got drunk when he needed the courage to face a difficult situation.

She wiped the tears that had escaped down her cheeks, she didn't need to cry, she needed to think fast and then act. Just like Raya had said, this was her only chance for redemption and she would take it. She sent the girl out but not without a warning, "If I find out that you actually laid with the king and lied to me, I will feed your intestine to the dogs!" Then went back to the guards.

"No one is permitted entrance into his majesty's chambers until I leave". She wanted to leave before dawn but when she rose, the king was already up.

"What is this Adeline?"

She picked up her robes and began dressing herself, "I did what every woman would do. How dare you bring a maid to grace your bed when I have not been given the privilege for 6 years?"

"I don't need sentiments, Adeline, I need an heir. This is for the kingdom, you had no right to take her place, at least not tonight."

Adeline stopped and then turned to him, "Look at what they have done to you, your majesty. You do not know the duties of a husband or even a king anymore. I am ashamed"

The king stopped himself from hitting her "Leave Adeline, before I do something I will regret. By the first cockcrow, leave the palace. I'll call you back when my anger is subdued"

Every moment from that day was slow and painful. Adeline left for her maternal uncle's house and fell ill almost immediately yet the king didn't budge. However, it took 270 days and a swaddling wonder to restore her before the king and the kingdom.

As the king stood proudly with his son in his arms, Adeline's lips upturned in gratitude for the wonder a bundle of tiny arms and feet had brought along. It was a wonder how the king's anger dissipated the moment he looked into a replica of his grey eyes, how he became a toddler again, cooing and dancing around the minute the baby began agitating and how a new beginning had been established effortlessly for the royal family and the kingdom.

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