The sound I hear with my hands

Fuente by Radfotosonn

The cold night of November 23, 1987 was a hard night for Tomás and Margot, because after a long wait to meet their little baby, the doctors announced after some studies that he could not hear. Timothy had been born unable to hear sounds, his parents knew that from that moment on life would not be easy for their little boy and that they would have to accompany him and protect him from the scandalous world.

Timothy, on the other hand, grew up as a normal child, only that his surroundings were always silent and he needed some attention to be able to notice some things. Despite all this, Timothy learned to communicate with everyone, even with those who did not know sign language, he read lips with agility and through signs he explained his ideas and thoughts, he never considered that his deafness was an impediment to do everything he set out to do. However, watching his mother and father talk to each other and his mother smile at a beautiful song filled him with sadness.

Fuente by cromaconceptovisual

When Timothy was 12 years old something very strange happened to him, when he raised his hands and closed his eyes he could hear the breeze gently rolling through the city. For him that moment was unique, he had never been able to hear anything and this was the first time that this sensation invaded his body, excited he ran home and asked his mother to please speak out loud, Margot a little confused, began to speak without asking Timothy anything, meanwhile he raised his hands near his mother's face and closed his eyes.

Immediately, tears began to fall down Timothy's cheeks and trembling he explained to his mother that he had been able to hear her beautiful voice for the first time. Margot didn't understand how or why, but when she saw Timothy's tears she knew he wasn't playing or lying, so even without understanding she began to cry with emotion as well. Time passed and Timothy grew up a little more, finished his studies and wanted to learn to play music to see his mother smile because he could hear her.

Fuente by DanielWanke

He tried to get a tutor, but people thought it was a bad joke, finding himself alone with his dream, he wanted to learn on his own and got a used guitar with which he could practice, when he touched its strings for the first time, he experienced within himself something completely new that he did not know could exist, the music in his hands felt like a new world and it was not too long when he learned the notes, just by listening to the tuning of it. His parents could not believe what Timothy could do, he had a superpower, he could hear through his hands.

Timothy stole a smile from his mother and at this moment he felt fulfilled, that sadness he felt in his childhood for not being able to listen to music, was a thing of the past, now he could not only hear it, but he could make it with his own hands.

There is no disability that can prevent us from realizing our dreams, we may not be able to do things the way everyone else does, but we can invent a new way to do it. Timothy could feel the sound waves with his hands and through them hear the sounds and even create them, just like him, we can find a way to do what we like, even if many believe that we cannot.

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