"Daniella" Sommers

“What a handsome man!”

“What I would give for a few minutes in his company.”

“Do you think I have a chance if I make a move on him?”

I puffed out my chest a bit more as I ambled to the women that were waiting for me in the VIP booth. I had disliked this plan from the beginning and I didn’t fail to let my boss know just how I felt about it. But after three months of trying to crack this particular case to no avail, I was out of options and also out of choices.

My direct boss, Detective Sheindlin, who had been working on this case with me had discovered an approach to crack the case. The town of Bakersville had proven most uncooperative and incredibly tight-lipped on what happened on the night that Emma disappeared. Of course, no one had wanted to be accused outright of obstructing the law. But they were terribly evasive and all appeared not to know who Emma was. Even though she has lived in the town her whole life! One even deflected to how perfect I'd be for her son. The audacity.

So, my boss called me last week after an unsuccessful investigation and said they were these women known as The Bakersville Golden Scuttlebutts. They were notorious gossips who knew everything about everyone and weren’t scared to voice out how they felt even in front of the person they gossiped about. It was a close circle, headed by the mayor’s wife which was why they had a level of immunity.

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No other women were invited to the group. But as a guilty pleasure, and unknown to the general public, they invited a particularly handsome man once a month to “entertain” them. I had been nodding all the while as my boss narrated this.

“Okay, so how do we get in?” I asked. “Collins is out on an assignment.”

He looked at me with a smug smile.

I paled in horror. “No fluffing way.”

“Come on Daniella, you can pull this off.”

“Thanks for telling me how very unfeminine you find me,” I said seething.

“You know that’s not what I mean. You’re easily 6’1. Little touches here and there and you’re officially a dashing Daniel Sommers, not gorgeous Daniella anymore.”

Believe it or not, the scoundrel managed to convince me to be on the next flight back to Bakersville. And looking at myself in the mirror of my SUV just before meeting the Golden Scuttlebutts, I had to admit that Sheindlin was right. I did look like a Daniel. A very dashing Daniel for that matter. I adjusted my heavily wrapped chest behind my shirt and gave a pant-dropping smirk before stepping out of my car and into the café.

I don’t know how Sheindlin had worked it out but I was the chosen “man” for the month. Walking in and hearing all the “whispers” from the women was a booster. I’d never been more proud of my height. And yeah, being able to pull both genders was a flex not many people could pull off.

I walked into the VIP booth and gave the already awe-struck ladies a winning smile adding the deep rumble I’d perfected for three hours.

“Good day, ladies.”

“Good….day Mr. Sommers?”

I looked at the lady that spoke. The mayor’s wife.

I gave her a confident smile, laying the charm on thick. “Yes, Linda. You seem to be struggling for words. Is everything alright?”

The lady to the right of the Mayoress took over.

“Yeah, it’s just that we didn’t expect someone so…”

“So…?” I probed.

“So breathtaking.” She completed.

I leaned into my chair. I’d been drilled on this already. These were neglected wives of the town’s powerful men. Confidence, attention and charm were the easiest way to disarm them. And I planned to utilize all three.

“Yeah, I’ve been told that a number of times. But I’m just a simple guy. Waving a firm hand in their direction, I continued. “But you ladies, on the other hand, have to be the most delectable women I’ve had the opportunity of laying my eyes on. How old are you guys again? Twenty?”

Giggles and blushes and a flurry of hair flicks bursted from all sides.

“Oh, stop already Mr. Sommers. You’re such a charmer.” Linda said with a shy glint in her eye.

“Please call me Daniel, ladies.”

“Okay Daniel, why are you here?”

I had a bottle of wine already opened and proceeded to fill their glasses. “Why, I’m here purely for your entertainment. Anything you want at all. I’m at your mercy.”

There was a flurry of giggles again.

I felt eyes on me and turned to meet the eyes of one that had been quiet all along.

“I don’t know Mr Sommers –”

“Daniel, please.”

“Okay, Daniel. I don’t know why I keep feeling like I’ve seen you somewhere before. I can’t place my hand on it but I’m almost sure.”

Thank God for preparation, I thought. I knew someone would say this and good thing I had a handy reply.

“Well I don’t know Maya, you look like someone too. Wait, are you a close relative to Marilyn Monroe? I could swear that you’re just as beautiful.”

I guess my deflection must have worked because she looked at me from then on like I hung the fluffing moon. It was easy afterwards. I kept flirting and talking and giving them wine. They glowed and basked in my attention and most of all, they talked.

Three and a half hours later I rounded the corner to where I’d packed my SUV and got in. I started by detaching the camouflage multi-purpose recorder I’d pinned to my lapel and then I proceeded to remove the pins that had kept my shoulder-length hair in place. Picking up my burner phone, I dialled the man that had been listening in hundreds of miles away. He picked at the first ring.


“Great job Sommers, I’m already sending in the men. Bakersville won’t know what hit them.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

“And one more thing Daniella.”

“What’s that?”

“Remind me to never leave you with any of my men.”

“You scoundrel.” I chuckled, hanging up.

This is my entry to The Inkwell Scuttlebutt Fiction Prompt.

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